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下一個視野 維沃卡 雙簧管 Vilem Veverka The Next Horizon SU4286

發表日期 2024-07-03

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下一個視野 維沃卡 雙簧管 Vilem Veverka The Next Horizon SU4286

下一個視野 維沃卡 雙簧管 Vilem Veverka The Next Horizon SU4286

下一個視野 維沃卡 雙簧管 Vilem Veverka The Next Horizon SU4286

發表日期 2024-07-03

     專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2020 國際條碼: 0099925428624 音樂廠牌: Supraphon 下一個視野(韋瓦第/皮亞佐拉等古典新奏曲) 威倫.維沃卡 雙簧管 史博徹爾 小提琴 終極W樂隊 每個喜愛雙簧管迷人音調的樂迷應該會熟悉威倫.維沃卡(Vilem Veverka)這個名字. 他通往精湛技藝境界之路從國際比賽得獎開始, 並在柏林愛樂管絃樂團和室內樂團隊(柏林布拉格合奏團, 愛樂八重奏PhiHarmonia Octet)中持續累積經驗, 建立起從巴洛克到近代作品的廣泛曲目範圍, 其中有些還是他首度演出的. 但是維沃卡的視野是更寬廣的 – 他的抱負是以一個不同於我們所習慣的背景下來呈現雙簧管樂器. 在出版過幾張頂尖"古典的"(泰勒曼, 布列頓, 韋瓦第, 哲仁卡, 巴哈等人)作品後, 他以這張跨界專輯再度實現了一個他的夢想. 似乎是他必須跨越疆界的動機深植在他的遺傳因子中. 因此你會發現巴哈和二十世紀下半期的"古典樂"(莫利克奈, 皮亞佐拉, 布利卡Miroslav Zbirka等人)作品並列在一起, 還有馬丁.希伯勒(Martin Hybler)為此專輯所編寫的作品. 這一切都經過深思熟慮, 每個細節都被精緻化. 就如同維沃卡說的, 此錄音專輯紀錄了"一位演奏家不斷的尋找新途徑的強烈慾望", 這是"一份值得注目視野的下一個系列報導的新開端". 下一個視野 – 是一趟超越平凡界線的旅程. The name Vilem Veverka is familiar to everyone who has fallen for the enchanting tone of the oboe. His path to virtuosity commenced with accolades at international competitions, and continued with gaining experience with the Berliner Philharmoniker, performances with chamber formations (Ensemble Berlin Prag, PhiHarmonia Octet), and building up an extensive repertoire, ranging from Baroque to contemporary works, a number of which he himself has premiered. Yet Vilem's horizon is even wider - his ambition is to present the oboe in a context different from that which we are accustomed to. Following several "classical" summits (Telemann, Britten, Vivaldi, Zelenka, Bach, etc.), he has made another of his dreams come true in the form of this crossover album. It would seem that the need to transcend borders is deeply encoded in his DNA. And so you will find side by side Bach, the "classics" of the second half of the 20th century (Morricone, Piazzolla, Žbirka, etc.), and also compositions Martin Hybler wrote for the present album. Everything has been thought through, every single detail refined. As Vilem himself put it, the recording documents "the compulsion of a performer to seek new paths unceasingly", it is "a report on a new beginning, on the next of a series of horizons beheld." Next horizon - a journey beyond the borders of the customary Martin Hybler Best Beat Vivaldi 1. Allegro giusto 04:31 2. Jazz ballad 03:31 3. Presto 04:07 Johann Sebastian Bach Matthaus-Passion BWV 244 4. Erbarme Dich, mein Gott 05:45 Martin Hybler 5. Kickdown Op. 47 05:44 Johann Sebastian Bach Orchestral Suite No. 3 D major BWV 1068 6. Air 03:51 Ennio Morricone 7. Romanza Quartiere 03:30 Joseph Haydn, Marian Varga 8. Concerto D major 10:49 Ástor Piazzolla 9. Oblivion 03:14 Ástor Piazzolla 10. Libertango 03:36 Zdenek Merta 11. Bluesy 03:59 Ennio Morricone 12. Gabriel's Oboe 03:25 Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Bonham Kashmir 13. Kashmir - Introduction 02:55 14. Kashmir 06:15 Miro Žbirka 15. The Ballad of Field Birds 04:06

zhuan ji lei xing : 1 C D fa xing nian fen : 2 0 2 0 guo ji tiao ma : 0 0 9 9 9 2 5 4 2 8 6 2 4 yin le chang pai : S u p r a p h o n xia yi ge shi ye ( wei wa di / pi ya zuo la deng gu dian xin zou qu ) wei lun . wei wo qia shuang huang guan shi bo che er xiao ti qin zhong ji W le dui mei ge xi ai shuang huang guan mi ren yin diao de le mi ying gai hui shu xi wei lun . wei wo qia ( V i l e m V e v e r k a ) zhe ge ming zi . ta tong wang jing zhan ji yi jing jie zhi lu cong guo ji bi sai de jiang kai shi , bing zai bai lin ai le guan xian le tuan he shi nei le tuan dui ( bai lin bu la ge he zou tuan , ai le ba zhong zou P h i H a r m o n i a O c t e t ) zhong chi xu lei ji jing yan , jian li qi cong ba luo ke dao jin dai zuo pin de guang fan



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