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George Michael - Careless Whisper

     [Youtube]izGwDsrQ1eQ[/Youtube]RIP歌词I feel so unsureAs I take your handAnd lead you to the dance floo

george michael - careless whisper

     [Youtube]izGwDsrQ1eQ[/Youtube]George Michael Careless Whispers无心的呢喃-- 乔治迈可I feel so unsureAs I take

George Michael - Careless Whisper

     [Youtube]izGwDsrQ1eQ[/Youtube]"Careless Whisper"I feel so unsureAs I take your handAnd lead you to t


     不用说演艺圈男星为了逃兵狂延毕一事,就连政治人物、富家子弟也纷纷逃好逃满,而今天就要来说一位拥有台、美双重国籍的男子,这一逃救逃了16年,还爽出国玩好玩满,重 ... 史上最狂逃兵!35岁妈宝持「双重


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