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must 標簽 新聞 第 1 頁

reimbursement refund ?

     In order to get a _______,you must bring in the defective product with valid


     人之初:At the beginning of life.(英翻中:生命的起初)性本善:Sex is good.(白话文:性是美好的)性相近:Basically, all the sex are sa


     美军士兵手册1. You are not a superman.你不是超人。(不要无谓的冒险、不要做傻事)2. If it''s stupid but works,it isn''t stupid.如


     PRINCIPLE Proteins are large molecules composed of covalently linked amino acids. Depending on elect


     Project 3 扑 克 牌 比 赛1. 撰写一个扑克牌抽签比赛,将抽取的扑克牌点数相加,比对手点数大者获得胜局,拥有较多胜局者赢得胜利。 a. First of all, the program

只有一个字... 痛!!!!! [影片]

     千言万语也难以形容这位男士当下的感觉 X(请自行填字 谢谢)... 我敢打赌 所有在看这影片的男人都可以感受到他的痛 心理上的啦 废话!!!影片 ... 只有一个字...


     晴天影相心情好!精灵高达!my first time take "semi-outside" pics, must utilize today's blue & sunny sky before ty

阿巴奥最终战仕样-阿宝专用FA Gundam!

     阿巴奥最终战仕样-阿宝专用FA Gundam!shoot for whole Sunday and only 2 pics acceptable... seems I must need to wai

(matlab) 将图片转灰阶图

     这是我测试的程式码 :close all,clear all,clcimg = imread('C:12345.jpg');I = rgb2gray(img);imshow(I);无奈的....编译


     网页开起会出现如下的错树讯息,然后就无回应,请问该如何处理(我有重新安装IE8,仍无效),谢谢。Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library----------------

[七夕]Endless love

     I Want to Know What Love Is Julio IglesiasRomantic ClassicsI gotta take a little timeA little time t

[七夕]Love Service

     "Love all and serve all,if others must serve you, serve them first; love begets love; trust engender

[七夕]Love is in the air, every sight and every sound

     Love is in the air, every sight and every sound...And I don't know if you are an illusion, don't kno


     有一家人同枱食饭,小明夹咗一旧肉,但系又唔想食,于是就比咗呀妈。呀妈好嬲,就话:「你有无听过己所不欲,勿施于人?」小明就话:「没呀,我剩系听过己所不欲,must ... 己所不欲....... (m


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