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布拉姆斯 鋼琴作品集 布列松 Bresson Brahms Fantasien Intermezzi AP222

發表日期 2024-07-01

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布拉姆斯 鋼琴作品集 布列松 Bresson Brahms Fantasien Intermezzi AP222

布拉姆斯 鋼琴作品集 布列松 Bresson Brahms Fantasien Intermezzi AP222

布拉姆斯 鋼琴作品集 布列松 Bresson Brahms Fantasien Intermezzi AP222

發表日期 2024-07-01

     專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2020 國際條碼: 5051083152679 音樂廠牌: Aparte 布拉姆斯: 幻想曲, 作品116/間奏曲, 作品117/鋼琴小品, 作品118 卡蒂雅-布列松 鋼琴 Hortense Cartier-Bresson is a major figure of the French piano. Teacher of numerous famous pianists, she offers here in a rare interpretation the substance of her musical knowledge. Exploring Brahms’ late piano pieces, this recording deploys a three-parts succession of musical and poetic miniatures. All of them reveal and reflect, one after another, the composer’s intimate imagination. Sometimes spirited, sometimes enigmatic or contemplative, they unfurl in the mists of Brahms’ musical arcane, fed by his own life experience. The intellectual and musical maturity that emerges from this interpretation echoes the inner depths these works require. Hortense Cartier-Bresson gives her most masterful lesson as she finally reveals the secret of the last Brahms. Hortense Cartier-Bresson (piano) 7 Fantasies, Op.116 1 Capriccio in D minor. Presto energico 02:35 2 Intermezzo in A minor. Andante 03:42 3 Capriccio in G minor. Allegro passionato 03:18 4 Intermezzo in E major. Adagio 04:45 5 Intermezzo in E minor. Andante con grazia ed intimissimo sentimento 03:08 6 Intermezzo in E major. Andantino teneramente 03:14 7 Capriccio in D minor. Allegro agitato 02:25 3 Intermezzi, Op.117 8 Intermezzo in E-flat major. Andante moderato 05:09 9 Intermezzo in B-flat minor. Andante non troppo e con molto espressione 04:16 10 Intermezzo in C-sharp minor. Andante con moto 05:28 6 Klavierstucke, Op.118 11 Intermezzo in A minor. Allegro non assai, ma molto appassionato 01:54 12 Intermezzo in A major. Andante teneramente 05:58 13 Ballade in G minor. Allegro energico 03:37 14 Intermezzo in F minor. Allegretto un poco agitato 02:58 15 Romanze in F major. Andante - Allegretto grazioso 04:02 16 Intermezzo in E-flat minor. Andante, largo e mesto 05:22

zhuan ji lei xing : 1 C D fa xing nian fen : 2 0 2 0 guo ji tiao ma : 5 0 5 1 0 8 3 1 5 2 6 7 9 yin le chang pai : A p a r t e bu la mu si : huan xiang qu , zuo pin 1 1 6 / jian zou qu , zuo pin 1 1 7 / gang qin xiao pin , zuo pin 1 1 8 qia di ya - bu lie song gang qin H o r t e n s e C a r t i e r - B r e s s o n i s a m a j o r f i g u r e o f t h e F r e n c h p i a n o . T e a c h e r o f n u m e r o u s f a m o u s p i a n i s t s , s h e o f f e r s h e r e i n a r a r e i n t e r p r e t a t i o



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