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普羅高菲夫 瞬間幻影 鋼琴奏鳴曲 Prokofiev Piano Sonata No 6 LDV74

發表日期 2024-07-01

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普羅高菲夫 瞬間幻影 鋼琴奏鳴曲 Prokofiev Piano Sonata No 6 LDV74

普羅高菲夫 瞬間幻影 鋼琴奏鳴曲 Prokofiev Piano Sonata No 6 LDV74

普羅高菲夫 瞬間幻影 鋼琴奏鳴曲 Prokofiev Piano Sonata No 6 LDV74

發表日期 2024-07-01

     專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2019 國際條碼: 3770001903941 音樂廠牌: La Dolce Volta 普羅高菲夫:瞬間幻影 / 第六號鋼琴奏鳴曲 / 老祖母的故事 / 四首練習曲 佛羅昂.諾亞克 鋼琴 This project by Florian Noack has a twofold purpose. To tackle the music of Sergei Prokofiev on record for the first time. And also to detach himself from programmes that may smack of dissimulation: rare works, violently personal ones, transcriptions behind which the performer hides in the hope that he or she will not be noticed too much. Florian Noack (piano) 1 Tales of an old grandmother, Op.31 I. Moderato 02:25 2 Tales of an old grandmother, Op.31 II. Andantino 01:13 3 Tales of an old grandmother, Op.31 III. Andante assai 02:54 4 Tales of an old grandmother, Op.31 IV. Sostenuto 02:55 5 Etudes Op.2 I. Allegro 02:24 6 Etudes Op.2 II. Moderato 02:57 7 Etudes Op.2 III. Andante semplice 03:39 8 Etudes Op.2 IV. Presto energico 01:30 9 Visions fugitives, Op.22 I. Lentamente 01:07 10 Visions fugitives, Op.22 II. Andante 01:33 11 Visions fugitives, Op.22 III. Allegretto 54 12 Visions fugitives, Op.22 IV. Animato 55 13 Visions fugitives, Op.22 V. Molto giocoso 26 14 Visions fugitives, Op.22 VI. Con eleganza 26 15 Visions fugitives, Op.22 VII. Pittoresco 02:01 16 Visions fugitives, Op.22 VIII. Comodo 01:20 17 Visions fugitives, Op.22 IX. Allegro tranquillo 01:11 18 Visions fugitives, Op.22 X. Ridicolosamente 01:09 19 Visions fugitives, Op.22 XI. Con vivacità 01:15 20 Visions fugitives, Op.22 XII. Assai moderato 01:14 21 Visions fugitives, Op.22 XIII. Allegretto 36 22 Visions fugitives, Op.22 XIV. Feroce 01:09 23 Visions fugitives, Op.22 XV. Inquieto 56 24 Visions fugitives, Op.22 XVI. Dolente 02:04 25 Visions fugitives, Op.22 XVII. Poetico 01:16 26 Visions fugitives, Op.22 XVIII. Con una dolce lentezza 01:37 27 Visions fugitives, Op.22 XIX. Presto agitatissimo e molto accentuato 51 28 Visions fugitives, Op.22 XX. Lento 02:52 29 Piano Sonata No.6 in A Major, Op.82 I. Allegro moderato 08:02 30 Piano Sonata No.6 in A Major, Op.82 II. Allegretto 04:30 31 Piano Sonata No.6 in A Major, Op.82 III. Tempo di valzer lentissimo 07:42 32 Piano Sonata No.6 in A Major, Op.82 IV. Vivace 07:08

zhuan ji lei xing : 1 C D fa xing nian fen : 2 0 1 9 guo ji tiao ma : 3 7 7 0 0 0 1 9 0 3 9 4 1 yin le chang pai : L a D o l c e V o l t a pu luo gao fei fu : shun jian huan ying / di liu hao gang qin zou ming qu / lao zu mu de gu shi / si shou lian xi qu fo luo ang . nuo ya ke gang qin T h i s p r o j e c t b y F l o r i a n N o a c k h a s a t w o f o l d p u r p o s e . T o t a c k l e t h e m u s i c o f S e r g e i P r o k o f i e v o n r e c o r d f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e . A n d a l s o t



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