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Zayn - Let Me - 趣味新聞網

Zayn - Let Me

發表日期 2018-05-03T00:28:09+08:00

     趣味新聞網記者特別報導 : [Youtube]J-dv_DcDD_A[/Youtube]作詞/作麯:Zayn Malik / Khaled Rohaim / Michael Hannides / Anthony Hannides .....


作詞/作麯:Zayn Malik / Khaled Rohaim / Michael Hannides / Anthony Hannides

Sweet baby, our sex has meaning
Know this time you'll stay 'til the morning
Duvet days and vanilla ice cream
More than just one night together exclusively

Baby, let me be your man
So I can love you
And if you let me be your man
Then I'll take care of you, you

For the rest of my life, for the rest of yours
For the rest of my life, for the rest of yours
For the rest of ours

We're drinking the finest label
Dirty dancing on top of the table
Long walks on the beach in April (beach in April)
Yeah, I promise, darling, that I'll be faithful (be faithful)

Baby, let me be your man (let me be your man)
So I can love you (I can love you)
And if you let me be your man (let me be your man)
Then I'll take care of you (I can love you)

For the rest of my life, for the rest of yours
For the rest of my life, for the rest of yours
For the rest of ours

Give me your body and let me love you like I do
Come a little closer and let me do those things to you
This feeling will last forever, baby, that's the truth
Let me be your man so I can love you

Baby, let me be your man (let me be your man)
So I can love you (I can love you)
And if you let me be your man (let me be your man)
Then I'll take care of you, you (I can love you)

For the rest of my life (for the rest of my life)
For the rest of yours (for the rest of yours)
For the rest of my life (for the rest of my life)
For the rest of yours (for the rest of yours)
For the rest of ours (for the rest of ours)


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【80 金麯】Des'ree - You Gotta Be

    歌詞 [Verse 1] Listen as your day unfolds Challenge what the future holds Try to keep your head up to the sky Lovers they may cause you tears Go ahead, release your fears Stand up and be counted Don't be ashamed to cry [Chorus] You gotta.......

【K-POP Star 6】李書真(Rhythm Gangsta) - 응원(곽진언 cover)

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【R.I.P】Avicii - Taste The Feeling ft. Conrad Sewell

    歌詞 It feels good, in my heart, in my soul, When you're right here beside me I don't ever want this day to end We can watch the waves, have a Coke And you sit here beside me Take a little long my heart again So we can feel whatever you fee.......

【R.I.P】Avicii - The Days

    歌詞 Under the tree where the grass don't grow We made a promise to never get old You had a chance and you took it on me And I made a promise that I couldn't keep Dance play it 'Cause I play it Play it Dance play it 'Cause I bring it up, .......

【R.I.P】Avicii - The Nights

    歌詞 Hey, once upon a younger year When all our shadows disappeared The animals inside came out to play Hey, when face to face with all our fears Learned our lessons through the tears Made memories we knew would never fade One day my father.......

【R.I.P】Avicii - Wake Me Up

    歌詞 Feeling my way through the darkness Guided by a beating heart I can't tell where the journey will end But I know where to start They tell me I'm too young to understand They say I'm caught up in a dream Well life will pass me by if I do.......

【R.I.P】Avicii - Without You

    歌詞 You said that we would always be Without you I feel lost at sea Through the darkness you'd hide with me Like the wind we'd be wild and free You Said you'd follow me anywhere But your eyes Tell me you won't be there I got to learn ho.......

【三年起步】Alizee - Moi Lolita

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【不拘一格】東京事変 - 能動的三分間

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【低吟追悔】Lucy Rose - Shiver

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【何謂幸福】back number - 瞬き

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【前衛金屬】Pain of Salvation - Meaningless

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【動人女聲】洪佩瑜 - 踮起腳尖愛

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【動漫經典】和田光司 - Butter-Fly(Digimon OP)

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【動漫經典】黒石ひとみ - Over the sky(Last Exile ED)

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【動漫金麯】DAOKO × 米津玄師 - 打上花火

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【台灣童謠】謝欣芷 - 春天佇陀位

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【天生歌姬】Tappi tíkarrass - Mataharí

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【如歌如詩】Ólafur Arnalds - Ljósið

    【節錄自Wiki - Ólafur Arnalds】 奧拉佛·阿納爾德斯(英語:Ólafur Arnalds,1986年11月3日-)是曾獲得英國電影學院奬配樂大奬的冰島莫斯費德斯拜爾作麯傢和音樂製作人,擅長融閤管弦樂、鋼琴迴聲、和電子鼓聲響,製做氛圍音樂、電子歌麯 .......

【情歌經典】Carlos Gardel - Por una Cabeza

    歌詞 Por una cabeza, de un noble potrillo Que justo en la raya, afloja al llegar Y que al regresar, parece decir No olvides, hermano Vos sabes, no hay que jugar Por una cabeza, metejón de un día De aquella coqueta y risueña mujer Que al ju.......

【懷舊時光】Bonnie Tyler - Turn Around

    歌詞 Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit lonely And you're never coming round Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit tired Of listening to the sound of my tears Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit nervous.......

【懷舊時光】Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up

    歌詞 We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand Never gonna give you up Never g.......

【懷舊時光】Rod Stewart - Handbags & Gladrags

    歌詞 Ever seen a blind man cross the road, Trying to make the other side. Ever seen a young girl growing old, Trying to make herself a bride. And what becomes of you my love, When they have finally stripped you of, The handbags and the gladr.......

【搖滾年代】Sons of Apollo - Coming Home

    歌詞 In your circle of splendor A room of pretenders This is the new make believe In your complex decisions This tiny incision Cut to commence misery, yeah There's a voice screaming outta my head There's a truth that I don't wanna know C.......

【搖滾青春】Bullet For My Valentine - Tears Don't Fall

    歌詞 Let's go! With blood shot eyes I watch you sleeping The warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading Would she hear me if I called her name? Would she hold me if she knew my shame? There's always something different going wrong The path I.......

【搖滾青春】Hoobastank - Crawling In The Dark

    歌詞 I will dedicate And sacrifice my everything for just a second's worth Of how my story's ending And I wish I could know if the directions that I take And all the choices that I make won't end up all for nothing Show me what it's for Ma.......

【搖滾青春】Trivium - Dying In Your Arms

    歌詞 I'm wearing thin wearing out becoming weak Holding hands with this rope she's my self-destructive Bleeding disease the things that makes it hard to breathe But if I shoved you far away This addict just starved again asphyxiated [Chorus].......

【新聲帶】ØZI - 天堂島

    歌詞 YJBC That’s what I be doing That’s what I be doing you Gon love it when I do it I should’ve known 妳不是個basic girl 我早該想透 Just pick up your phone 妳這種曖昧的捉弄 我早就看透 Oh baby 我知道 我知道 Fuckboy把妹基本的步驟 對妳根本完全沒用 但我知道 連Wonder Woman也需要依靠 像活.......

【早逝天纔】宋嶽庭(Shawn, M80) - Life's a Struggle

    歌詞 正當我睜開雙眼 踏入這個世界 媽媽給我生命 現在讓我自生自滅 這讓我恐懼 在我的眼裏每個人都戴著麵具 迴想過去 難道生命就是這樣延續? 我抽煙抽得我的肺都黑瞭 就像整個社會被人心籠罩著它也是黑的 我背著宿命的十字架 也渴望 Power, Paper and Respect 我想這大概就是 Human nature 佛傢說 煩惱即是菩提 我暫且不提 我倒是希望能夠迴到母體 老媽對不起 我時常把你氣得跺腳 你說你後悔當初沒有墮胎把我墮掉 每當我放學迴傢.......

【有點搖 帶點滾】INSPION FullBand Master - INSPION

    官方簡介:INSPION錄音室成立的當天,同時發錶由黒沢ダイスケ(Daisuke Kurosawa)作麯、INSPION團隊演奏的社歌。以強烈的高速三連音起始演奏七弦吉他,為樂麯帶來疾走感。.......

【格格不入】Sonata Arctica - Misplaced

    歌詞 Sometimes I feel so out of time and place, trapped in a maze As if I was lost in someone else's life... The values I should keep in high regard don't mean a thing to me Do you ever feel a need to go back in time? A dream of mine... To .......

【瘋狂金屬】Maximum the Hormone - What's Up People!?

    歌詞 又不給我貼瞭,不知道到底含有甚麼不良內容耶,繼續用貼圖的方式貼歌詞 便利便利萬歳 便利便利萬歳 便利便利萬歳 人間 便利便利萬歳 便利便利萬歳 便利便利萬歳 人間 ほらビリビリ怒らすか? ビリビリ怒らすか? ビリビリ怒らすか? 人間 ほらビリビリ怒らすか? ビリビリ怒らすか? ビリビリ怒らすか? 人間 WHAT'S UP 不安材いっぱい 犯罪消えない 永遠(とわ)に WHAT'S UP 不安材いっぱい (恨みに罠 誰ダウン?) WHAT'S .......

【盡情粗俗】Slipknot - People=Shit

    歌詞 Here we go again, motherfucker Come on down, and see the idiot right here Too fucked to beg and not afraid to care What's the matter with calamity anyway? Right? get the fuck outta my face Understand that I can't feel anything It isn't .......

【真金難換】茄子蛋 - 浪子迴頭

    歌詞 菸一支一支一支的點 酒一杯一杯一杯的乾 請你要體諒我 我酒量不好賣給我衝康 時間一天一天一天的走 汗一滴一滴一滴的流 有一天 咱都老 帶某子逗陣 浪子迴頭 親愛的 可愛的 英俊的 朋友 垃圾的 沒品的 沒路用的 朋友 佇坎坷的路騎我兩光摩托車 反直我的人生甘哪狗屎 我沒錢沒某沒子甘哪一條命 朋友阿 逗陣來搏 菸一支一支一支的點 酒一杯一杯一杯的乾 請你要體諒我 我酒量不好賣給我衝康 時間一天一天一天的走 汗一滴一滴一滴的流 有一天 .......

ZTE製裁案 美專傢呼籲:先彆買他們傢手機
ZenFone 5 台灣24小時綫上通路熱銷1萬2韆台,今菲律賓接力開跑,通路、電商全方位佈局

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