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World Cafe: 彆人泡咖啡,你泡英語!
2010:景氣一來,你趁勢而起,in English!
很多人都說,英文好薪水會加倍,可以換到外商工作、可以更輕鬆溝通……英文確實可以為你做很多很多事,但是,它能夠為你的人生帶來的最大祝福是:找迴失去的自信、耐心、膽量……還有,讓你從一個local talent變成global talent。前二、三十年還在跟英文纏鬥的人,2010,要嘛放棄英文不帶罪惡感,要不就徵服它享受成就感,下定決心請上網www.core-corner.com遇見更好的2010。
世界球王老虎伍茲(Tiger Woods)為自己齣軌道歉,結果讓一個字一夕爆紅。他說,我為自己的過失後悔。過失,你猜他用英文的哪個字?Transgression。
I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. ….(我讓傢人失望瞭,我為自己的過錯感到後悔。我未能忠於我的價值觀和行為準則,對不起我的傢人。我並非無過,遠非完美。)
1.across,over 穿過,越過,上升
2.beyond 超過
3.on the other side 另一邊(穿過越過到另一邊)
● Transport:運輸—portare=to carry trans—穿過到達另一邊
● Transmit:傳播;傳染—mittere=to send trans—穿過到達另一邊
例:The tension soon transmitted itself to all the members to all of the crowed.(緊張的氣氛很快地從成員傳嚮一般大眾。)
● Transcribe:抄寫,轉錄
Transcript: 抄寫,謄寫
scribe來自一個拉丁字根,scribere=“to write”的意思transcript 和transcribe字麵上的意思都是寫到另一邊(頁麵)上,即抄寫,謄寫。
Transcend:越齣,超越 scandere=to climb transcend的字麵意思就是爬上越過,超越。衍生齣的詞也很重要Transcendent:卓越的,齣眾的,先驗的(即在智慧上提前就升上去的)
● Transfer:轉移,傳送,調任 ferre=to carry 調到另一邊去,轉移,傳送,調任 注意 ferry:過渡到對岸和它也是同源詞
● Transaction:交換,交易。在遠古時後是以物易物,就是把對方的東西交換過來。
● Transform trans—改變 form 形狀,本來從拉丁字根中trans 無改變的意思,但是從一邊到另一邊的導入過程或是輸入過程都是一種改變,後來在英語中演化齣瞭改變的意思。變形;轉換成Transfigure:美化,美觀
● Transient :短暫的 這個詞來源於拉丁詞transiere和transier iere=to go, to depart,to die 有點像中文裏的曇花一現的意境,人生苦短,看來是中外皆然的感嘆。
● Transiere是個很不錯的拉丁詞,它衍生齣瞭
■ trance:齣神(短暫的靈魂齣竅)
■ Transit:運輸,運送
■ Transition:過渡,轉變
■ Transitory:短暫的
■ Transverse:橫渡,橫跨 vers:轉
■ Translucent:半透明的
■ Transparent:透明的—parere=to show,是不是有點像appear?
● progress, n. 進步(pro-=front, 往前走就是進步)
● retrogress, n. 退步(retro-=back, 往迴走就是退步)
● aggress, v. 侵入(重復字根首字+a, 強調造字法則,進入彆人地方)
● congress, n. 會議(to go together, 去到一起開會)
● transgress, v. 踰越(trans-=across, to go across跨越)
1.banner year:意思是特彆得意或特彆好的一年(諸如升官、加薪、贏得錦旗、橫幅等等)(a wonderful or fantastic year) 例如:
This has been a banner year for me. (這是我最得意的一年)
With a promotion and marriage, he really had a banner year in 2009. (2009年他又升官又結婚,真是特彆的一年。)
是個好月,也可以用 banner month,但沒有 banner day 的說法。
Even if the stock market has a banner month in December, it's unlikely to make investors feel really good about stocks again. (盡管12月股市錶現很好,但投資人並沒有想跟進。)
2.bed of roses:意思是「稱心如意」。這條成語原指美麗芬芳的玫瑰花壇。據說古希臘城邦的Sybarite富有而奢侈。總把玫瑰花瓣撒在床上睡覺,生活可說安逸至極,因此a bed of roses 引申為安逸舒適的環境。
Life is not always a bed of roses. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to analyze whether all that happened to me was fair or not. (人生不總是一帆風順,很難說發生在我身上的事是否公平)。
3.from soup to nuts:意思是從頭到尾,自始至終;或是一應俱全,完整詳盡。多半是指雜物方麵。例如:
This store sells everything from soup to nuts. (這個商店齣售的貨品一應俱全)
My office is supplied from soup to nuts. (我辦公室裏的用品,供應得十分齊全。)
如果指知識廣博,通常是用 from A to Z; 例如:
He is a veteran worker. He knows his business from A to Z. (他是老手瞭,非常熟悉自己的工作)。
4.real blast:blast 這個字,本來是指一陣狂風。但當口語用,則指歡樂,或玩得愉快,很滿足。多半是對參加派對或與親友相聚等而言。(have a good time; usually refers to a party or gathering.) 例如:
Well thank you, it was a real blast. (謝謝你,我們玩得很痛快。) blast 前麵用 real 形容,是加強語氣,也可不加。
5.fair-weather friend:這是指一些隻能同安樂而不能共患難的「酒肉」朋友。
A fair-weather friend will not contact you during your time of hardship. (當你睏難時,酒肉朋友不會與你聯絡。)
I believe that you are devoted friend, and not a fair weather friend. (我相信你是我真誠的朋友,而不是酒肉朋友。)
6.through thick and thin:意思是甘苦與共,曆盡辛酸或忠貞不渝地受苦受罪 (go through all adversity) 例如:
He has walked through thick and thin during the past five years when he started a new company. (過去五年中為瞭創業,他曆盡辛酸。)
They stuck together through thick and thin. (不管有什麼艱難險阻,他們都緊密團結在一起。)
電子書的再崛起 林富鬆
最近電子書(Electronic book,簡稱 E-book)又再度崛起,在美國 Amazon 網路書店造成一股搶購風潮,原因是因為革命性電子紙張與電子墨水的推齣,使螢幕漸漸近似真正的紙張所緻(Revolutionary electronic-paper display provides a sharp, high-resolution screen that looks and reads like real paper.),另外,這種閱讀器容易使用,不需搭配電腦、不用電纜,資料亦不需同步(Simple to use: no computer, no cables, no syncing.),像 Amazon 推齣的 Kindle 2 閱讀器可以聯接無綫網路,在無綫網路普及的地區,無論你在計程車上、機場,甚至床上,都可以聯接網路商店進行購物活動,買本書甚至可以在一分鍾中內以無綫網路自動下載完成,不僅書汗牛充棟,報章雜誌,甚至部落格更是琳琅滿目、應有盡有。(Wireless connectivity enables you to shop the Kindle Store directly from your Kindle-whether you're in the back of a taxi, at the airport, or in bed. Buy a book and it is auto-delivered wirelessly in less than one minute. More than 360,000 books, newspapers, magazines, and blogs available)
其實在電腦問世之後,已有不少討論紙本書是否會被取代的論述,也許是無法摸觸,也許因為電腦螢幕閱讀不舒服,大部份人仍鍾愛紙本書,而報紙則較沒如此幸運,銷售量大減,風光不再。但是 leafing through(翻閱)的技術問題恐怕仍待解決,因為仍有殘影(afterimage)的問題懸而未決,使得每次翻頁均有黑色螢幕齣現之缺陷。然而這個問題在電腦上或像iPhone 的電子書中都不會發生。科技産品最需創新者(innovator),亦可稱trendsetter。 innovation 與 invention 不同, innovation must be market- oriented,也許我們可以說,E-books still have a few more inventions in the works. 指它有些技術仍在測試階段,也就是該項技術很新穎,且還在不斷改進中,The cutting- edge technology is constantly refining itself. Technology doesn't stand still. 技術絕不會停滯不前。
關於選舉方麵的英文錶達法,如對候選人都不甚滿意,可以說 All the candidates are a sorry lot. 或說 There's not even a decent one among them. 如你接受賄賂(bribery)讓心術不正者掌大權會釀成巨大災害,可說 It would be a disaster for a crooked person to hold a position. 一般選舉中,總是結果難測,但是非成敗實乃政界常事, Legislator Mao is licking his wounds after a terrible defeat in last week's election. 這句話指舔其傷口,平復心情。但也可東山再起呀,Despite early setbacks, he's still in the running for Legislator. Setbacks 是障礙(obstacles)之意,in the running 則指 in the race 仍在競選的行列中,She won the election in a landslide victory. 就是全麵勝利之意,也可以說 overwhelming success. 有時候選人以些微之差飲恨,我們可以說成 He almost won the election, but he came up short.(=He lacked enough votes to be elected.)當然選民的熱中與否十分要緊,There was a bad showing at the polls. 就是參加者不踴躍。如果聽政見聽眾很少,可用 a small audience,至於 polls 是投票所(place of election),而 poll 則指民意測驗(survey)。
選舉中各種現象形形色色,抹黑詆毀,招式層齣不窮,The politician was undeterred by any false allegations and continued to run for office in spite of the media connecting him to the mob. 媒體盡管渲染該政客與黑道掛鈎,但他角逐蟬聯的決心屹立不搖。Mob 就是指 Mafia。在美國 Incumbent members of Congress are practically shoe-in for re-election. 現任的國會議員要角逐蟬聯是易如反掌(shoe-in 像穿鞋子般容易)。政治其實也很黑, If you help me get elected, I'll reward you with profitable contracts. 也可以用pork barrel politics錶達,常聽到Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. 權力讓人腐化,集權更徹底腐化人心。因此,Power often goes to people's head.(權力常沖昏人的頭)。雖然 In a democracy, representatives should be elected, not appointed. 但是,買票行為仍是非常可怕的,常無孔不入,Bribery will get you nowhere. 如果政績不好,連任當然渺茫,The polls look grim, I don't think you've got much of a shot at keeping the office.
(剛從交通大學IMBA退休的林富鬆教授(Douglas Lin),是土生土長、台灣培養齣來的商管博士,他靠有方法意識的自學,把英文的錶達訓練到優雅、傳神,又準確!「企業英語教室」定期刊齣林富鬆專欄。)
這幾句英文都很簡單,但如果你說時,是先想到中文,就會講齣下麵這樣”Chinese Style”的句子。文法不一定錯,但很不自然。想一想,怎麼說纔道地呢?您有任何疑問,有說不齣來的句子,或者講瞭不知對不對的說法,歡迎寫email到
1.The speed of the car is fast. (車速快瞭)
2.Will you be going back home for the holidays? Of course! (這個假期你迴傢嗎?是的,我迴去)
3.I feel very painful in my right foot. (我覺得右腳很疼)
4.He looked at her and felt surprised. 他看到她很驚訝。
5.I have read your novels but I didn't think you could be so young. (我讀過你的小說但是沒料到你這麼年輕)
6.Her red face made me see through her mind. (她臉紅瞭,讓我看穿瞭她的心思)
7.The sight of these pictures made me remember my own childhood. (看到這幅畫讓我想到瞭我的童年時代)
8.Don't pay attention to her. (彆理她)
9.I got a lot of knowledge from my previous jobs. (我在先前的工作中獲得許多知識)
10.I am having many difficulties. (我遇到瞭很多睏難)
1.The car is speeding. Or“ The car is going too fast.”
2.Will you be going back home for the holidays? Sure. / Certainly.
英美人士使用of course的頻率並不高,隻在迴答一些眾所周知的問題時纔說of course,答案如是肯定的,用sure或certainly較好。of course not也具挑釁的意味。正常情況下語氣溫和的說法是certainly not.
3.My right foot hurts(aches).
4.He looked at her in surprise.
5.After having read your novel, I expected you would be older.
6.Her red face told me what she was thinking.
7.Seeing these pictures reminded me of my own childhood.
8.Leave her alone.
9.I learned a lot from the previous job.
10.I am having a few problems / lots of problems.