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「要準備多少錢纔能退休呢?」其實因人而異 但如果想過還不錯的退休生活 新聞英文》退休金多少纔夠?這樣存就對瞭 - 趣味新聞網

「要準備多少錢纔能退休呢?」其實因人而異 但如果想過還不錯的退休生活 新聞英文》退休金多少纔夠?這樣存就對瞭

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     趣味新聞網記者特別報導 : 「要準備多少錢纔能退休呢?」其實因人而異,但如果想過還不錯的退休生活,必須存多少退休金呢?根據美國退休投資機構推算,至少必須存下工作最後一年年收入的「十倍」以上纔夠養老,而且不要以為養老金是中年以後的 .....


    ●What’s the magic number for your retirement savings?


    How much money do you need to retire well? It’s a million-dollar question that, for some Americans, may require more than $1 million to answer.


    To be financially ready to retire by age 67, says Fidelity Investments — the nation’s largest retirement-plan provider — you should aim to have 10 times your final salary in savings.


    That’s the 〝magic number,〞 and it applies to investors with a broad range of income, from about $50,000 to $300,000 a year.


    Planning for a seven-figure nest egg may seem to be an intangible retirement savings goal. Trying to set benchmarks along the way — based on your age and earnings — might be more realistic.


    〝It’s easy to get your mind around,〞 said Manisha Thakor, director of wealth strategies for women at The BAM Alliance. 〝The Fidelity metric is clear, memorable and, for most people, still a stretch, so it will get them thinking, Wow, I need to save more.〞


    Here is the time line in which Fidelity suggests you increase your savings so that you can reach that magic number:


    • In your 20s, put enough away so that by the time you turn 30, you’ll have the equivalent of your salary saved.


    • By 40, aim to have three times your salary saved up.


    • By age 50, you should have enough saved to equal six times your salary.


    • By age 60, your savings should be eight times your salary.


    • And 10 times your salary by the full retirement age of 67.


    Of course, life doesn’t always fit neatly into a formula. You may need to adjust along the way, be open to saving more or less in any given year, and work toward making up any investment losses. Seeking the advice of a financial planner may be another important step to take to help you reach your retirement goal.






    nest egg:名詞,養老金;儲蓄金













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