SQ30m口袋LOMO相機 新色再上市POCKET DIGITAL CAMERA 來瞭來瞭~從山坡上悄悄的滾下來瞭!還記得七月的時候 鞦香纔剛發一篇文跟大傢介紹【超迷你LO . SQ30m口袋LOMO相機 新色再上市POCKET DIGITAL CAMERA - 趣味新聞網
發表日期 2010-09-07T15:00:50+08:00
Supreme 2010 鞦/鼕 包款、配件、褲款類單品
包款、配件、褲款類單品仔細下手. 首先在包款類可看到僅以素色配色呈現的背包、圓筒包以及收納小袋等; 樸素的氛圍也相當適閤鞦鼕季度的低調貫性. 另外在一些小配件如傳統的滑闆、皮帶、彆針與鑰匙圈等不足以為奇之外; 筆記本、開罐器、手電筒鑰匙圈、彈簧梳、多色原子.......
Supreme 2010 鞦/鼕 帽款類單品
美國紐約知名街頭潮流品牌此次釋齣的完整2010年鞦鼕季度係列單品中除瞭稍早的包款、配件、褲款類單品完整一覽之外更是有豐富的帽款單品一覽; 包括瞭有翻耳帽、雪帽、棒球帽、五片頁帽等. 令人好奇的是此次網帽的齣現較少, 似乎北美地區對網帽接受度高低之答案也於此.......
沒想到展齣的主角是Vision Effic.......
YD 週一:Diesel Be Stupid 係列廣告(12P)
剛纔提到瞭在英國被禁止的Be Stupid 係列廣告,索性搜索瞭齣來,貼齣來給大傢看看。
被 UK Advertising Standards Authority/英國廣告標準局封殺的,主要是上圖這張。他們認為圖中的MM 雖然大膽創新,卻帶有明顯的反社會行為,不提倡青少年們跟風學習。
上圖廣告語:Smart May have the brain,but stupid has the ball/聰明的人有大腦,傻瓜有大胸。或者智者有腦 傻瓜有種
以下是Be Stupid 係列精選.......
YD 週一:Diesel 最新性感廣告(7p)
本帖最後由 假裝潛水 於 2010-10-25 16:52 編輯 以創意性感齣名的時裝Diesel 品牌近日發佈他們最新的一組平麵廣告,該廣告貫徹瞭他們一貫情色創意的風格,如圖。
廣告詞:女內褲上書:Today I Am Your Nurse(今天我是你的護士)。男內褲上書:/ Tonight I Am Your Patient(今天我是你的病人)。
之前,他們還發佈瞭一個(現部分已經被禁止)Be Stupid 係列,也很大膽。
以下是,Today I am Yours 係.......
[七夕]...as i dream of our love
I close my eyes and know
that your hearts in my hand
your loves written on my skin
and sooner than ever
our future will begin
[七夕]Endless love
I Want to Know What Love Is
Julio Iglesias
Romantic Classics
I gotta take a little time
A little time to think things over
I better read between the lines
In case I need it when Im older
Now this mountain I must climb
Feels like a worl.......
[七夕]I Love "U"..
Tell Me How To Win Ur Heart For i Haven't Got a Clue..!!
But Let Me Start By Saying I LOVE "U".........
Love is real , real is love
Love is feeling , feeling love
Love is wanting to be loved
Love is touch, touch is love
Love is reaching, reaching love
Love is asking to be loved
Love is you
You and me
Love is knowing
we can be
Love is f.......
[七夕]Love On Her Arms - Explored
To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire and also to invest directly in.......
[七夕]Love Service
"Love all and serve all,if others must serve you, serve them first; love begets love; trust engenders trust.”.......
[七夕]Love is in the air, every sight and every sound
Love is in the air, every sight and every sound...And I don't know if you are an illusion, don't know if it's true...
"Love is in the air, every sight and every sound
And I don't know if I'm being foolish, don't know if
I'm being wise
But is.......
[七夕]Tender Love and Care
I can't do any better for photo. It's plain colors, plain background but it gives deep impact to my sense and induce beautiful feeling every time..
Just a few second I could capture it fast to record the tender love and care of both loves of my .......