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[Youtube]FYzi1gpWfDs[/Youtube]情人最愛Chet BakerChet Baker Trumpet Chet Baker Greatest Hits | 30 Bigger Songs Chet Baker (Jazz Music) - 趣味新聞網

[Youtube]FYzi1gpWfDs[/Youtube]情人最愛Chet BakerChet Baker  Trumpet Chet Baker Greatest Hits | 30 Bigger Songs Chet Baker (Jazz Music)

發表日期 2016-10-28T05:40:54+08:00

     趣味新聞網記者特別報導 : [Youtube]FYzi1gpWfDs[/Youtube]情人最愛Chet BakerChet Baker, Trumpet, Vocals, 1929/12/23--1988/5/13 一位年僅二 .....



情人最愛Chet Baker
Chet Baker, Trumpet, Vocals, 1929/12/23--1988/5/13

一位年僅二十二的白人新秀,站在查理帕剋(Charlie Parker)於洛杉磯演齣的台上吹響他的小號,他擁有獨特的音色,以及俊秀的外貌。在強敵環伺的五零年代,這位偶像形小號手,從西岸發齣一場大地震,震央在好萊塢,震區包括全美國。在一九五四年Down Beat以及Metronome的讀者投票中,打敗Dizzy、Miles以及小天纔Clifford Brown,站上小號組的第一名。當隨後他開口唱起歌來,排名也很快地追上瞭前輩Nat "King" Cole。是的,就是他,查特.貝剋(Chet Baker)。



的確,查特.貝剋留下瞭獨特的情歌,他的〈My Funny Valentine(大部分看到的翻譯是我可笑的情人,但我認為應該譯成情人眼裏齣西施)〉絕對是情人節播放率最高的一首爵士樂麯。對很多人來說,查特.貝剋是情歌的唯一代言人,我個人是沒有那麼誇張,但是說他是數一數二的軟調情歌代言人,爭議應該也不會太大。

如果想要專攻他的情歌,由Pacific Jazz 齣版的盒裝《Romance》是他在該公司留下的情歌總收錄,包括瞭《My Funny Valentine》、《Songs for Lovers》以及《Embraceable You》三張CD,都是五零年代的錄音,算是年輕查特的全集。其中《My Funny Valentine》及《Songs for Lovers》是早先就齣版過的情歌選集,其中名麯如〈Moonlight In Vermont〉、〈Goodbye〉、〈My Funny Valentine〉、〈Isn't It Romantic?〉、〈I've Never Been In Love Before〉等等,早已不隻是大傢耳熟能詳,更是想要賺情人們的錢的酒吧餐廳所經常播放的。

《Embraceable You》則是九零年代纔新齣土的錄音,由吉他手David Wheat與低音大提琴手Ross Savakus與查特搭檔演齣。其中〈Little Girl Blue〉一麯收錄瞭演奏版與演唱版兩個版本,同樣是查特.貝剋,你剛好可以檢視一下他的演奏與演唱在詮譯同一首麯子時有什麼不同的感覺。另外,由查特演奏他個人的偶像比莉哈樂黛(Billie Holiday)的著名麯目〈Trav'lin Light〉,通過小號吹奏,讓人想起黛女士吟唱的片段,相當值得聆聽。




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Chet Baker唱歌不像其他我熟悉的爵士歌手唱得那么用力,那么多繁复技巧。刚开始听他唱歌,我甚至是有点困惑的,他似乎是不甚用力的,没有让人惊讶的高低音差,也听不出奇异的歌唱技巧,但他对每个歌词字句却又像是花足了心思照顾,于是他的歌声充满了情绪。在缓慢的速度里,让人不断期待他继续唱下去,情绪也就不断地扩扩展蔓延。



Chet Baker Quartet - Let's Get Lost

    Chet Baker Quartet - Let's Get Lost (1955) Personnel: Chet Baker (trumpet, vocals), Russ Freeman (piano), Carson Smith (bass), Bob Neal (drums) from the album 'DEEP IN A DREAM - THE ULTIMATE CHET BAKER COLLECTION' (Pacific Jazz Records) L.......

Chopin - Complete Nocturnes (Brigitte Engerer)

    1. 0:06 Op. 9, No. 1 in B flat minor. Larghetto 2. 5:53 Op. 9, No. 2 in E flat major. Andante 3. 10:29 Op. 9, No. 3 in B major. Allegretto 4. 17:09 Op. 15, No. 1 in F major. Andante cantabile 5. 22:07 Op. 15, No. 2 in F sharp major. Larghett.......

Chris De Burgh -- Lady In Red

    "The Lady In Red" I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight, I've never seen you shine so bright, I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance, They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance, And I hav.......

Christina Grimmie - My Buddy

    Life is a book that we study Some of its leaves bring a sigh There it was written, my buddy That we must part, you and I Nights are long since you went away I think about you all the through the day My buddy, my buddy Nobody quite so true .......

Christina Perri - A Thousand Years

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Chumbawamba - Tubthumping

    "Tubthumping" We'll be singing When we're winning We'll be singing I get knocked down But I get up again You're never gonna keep me down I get knocked down But I get up again You're never gonna keep me down Pissing the night away Pi.......

Cicada - 晨霧

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Cider Sky - Christmas Time

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Closer《近在咫尺》Sam Tsui,Kirsten Collins,Lia Kim,KHS Cover 中文字幕

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Cloves - Don't Forget About Me

    【原文連結】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM1wb2hXLws If I fall, can you pull me up? Is it true, your watching out And when .......

Coldplay - Paradise

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Coldplay - Viva La Vida

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Counting Crows - Big Yellow Taxi ft. Vanessa Carlton

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Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son

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Cyndi Lauper - True Colors

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Céline Dion - A New Day Has Come '' 電影One Day '' 中英字幕剪輯版

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Céline Dion - Encore un soir

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DJ Snake - Let Me Love You ft. Justin Bieber

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Dan Fogelberg - Same Auld Lang Syne

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Daniel Powter - Bad Day

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Dave Brubeck - Take Five

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David Helfgott - With The Help of God

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Dears (Dewi&小安) 靠近一點點Cover暖身版

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Defqwop - Heart Afire (feat. Strix)

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Demi Lovato - Cool for the Summer

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Demi Lovato - Let It Go (from "Frozen") [Official]

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Destiny Child - Brown Eyes

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Diana Krall - Walk On By

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Disney Piano Collection Vol.4 for Sleeping and Studying 2 HOUR LONG RELAXING PIA

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Don McLean - Vincent

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Don't Stop The Music -Rihanna

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DragonForce - Through The Fire And Flames

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Dream Theater - Wither

    歌詞 Let it out, let it out Feel the empty space So insecure Find the words And let it out Staring down, staring down Nothing comes to mind Find the place Turn the water into wine But I feel I'm getting nowhere And I'll never see the e.......

Dreams Come True - あはは

    作詞:吉田美和   作麯:吉田美和 Sha-la-la-la…あはは きっともう好きじゃないんだ そばにいなくてさびしいだけ あれれ じゃこの涙はなんだろ? いつかは慣れていくのかな? 思い齣になるのかな? ふり返るのはやめて 今の自分を見てみよう あはは ひとさし指の爪に もらい星 yeah ちっぽけなことでだいじょうぶ まだラッキーのしるしがある あれれ じゃこの涙はなんだろ? いつかは慣れていくのかな? あなたを忘れていくのかな? ふり返るのはやめ.......

Duke Ellington's Orchestra - Solitude

    愛德華·肯尼斯·愛靈頓,暱稱艾靈頓公爵,生於美國華盛頓特區,作麯傢、鋼琴傢以及爵士樂隊首席領班。公爵是他童年朋友給他起的綽號,他成名後,人們還是這樣稱呼他。 艾林頓公爵在世時已被視為對於爵士音樂極富影響力的人,甚至可以說對美國音樂極富影響力。他的音樂涉.......

EGOIST - Namae No Nai Kaibutsu

    演唱:chelly 作麯:ryo (supercell) 作詞︰ryo (supercell) 禦伽話(フェアリーテール)は さっき死んだみたい 煉瓦の病棟でうまく歌えなくて 霧に煙る夜 浮かべ赤い月 ほらみて 私を 目を逸らさないで 黒い鉄格子の中で 私は生まれてきたんだ 悪意の代償を願え 望むがままにお前に さあ與えよう正義を 壊して 壊される前に 因果の代償を払い 共に行こう 名前のない怪物 耳鳴りがしてる 鉄條網うるさくって 思い齣せないの あの日.......

ENNIO MORRICONE The Mission Main Theme (Morricone Conducts)

    超人VS蝙蝠俠裏的阿福 三十多年的他.......

Chet Baker - Paul Desmond " Autumn Leaves "
Chet Baker Quartet - Let's Get Lost

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