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[Youtube]gRyKJVcZKPY[/Youtube]乾 Foot Locker 是有多恨 Harden 啊? XDDDDD歌詞This is James HardenThis song is 【不能隻有我聽到】James Harden - Harden Soul - 趣味新聞網

[Youtube]gRyKJVcZKPY[/Youtube]乾 Foot Locker 是有多恨 Harden 啊? XDDDDD歌詞This is James HardenThis song is  【不能隻有我聽到】James Harden - Harden Soul

發表日期 2017-02-20T14:34:30+08:00

     趣味新聞網記者特別報導 : [Youtube]gRyKJVcZKPY[/Youtube]乾,Foot Locker 是有多恨 Harden 啊? XDDDDD歌詞This is James HardenThis song is .....


乾,Foot Locker 是有多恨 Harden 啊? XDDDDD

This is James Harden
This song is for you, girl
I know you want to see this chest

I know that you want me cause I look the best
I wear my shirt open so you see my chest
I know that you want me cause I look the best

Let's go out for seafood, we'll have a shrimp-fest

Girl, I noticed you noticing me
So I came over so you could see me
I worked so Harden to be with you
I share my Harden soul with only you

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about
It's all about me, girl
(Woo!) (Woo!)

I keep my stock open, so you can invest

Taking my shirt off
Taking my shirt off
Taking my shirt off, girl
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Ay, ay, ay (Woo!)


立刻按 ctrl+D收藏本頁

Foot Locker "Harden Soul" Behind The Scenes With James Harden & Stephen Curry

能够开自己玩笑,Harden 跟 Curry 还挺有趣的



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【爵色女聲】Diana Krall - The Look Of Love

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【爵色女聲】Lianne La Havas – What You Don't Do

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【爵色女聲】Rebecca Ferguson - Teach Me How to Be Loved

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【籃球明星】Dame DOLLA(aka Damian Lillard) - Soldier in the Game

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【籃球明星】Gary Payton - Livin Legal and Large

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【籃球明星】KING KYLE LEE - All Spurs Everything

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【籃球明星】Kevin Durant - Worried About Tomorrow feat. Privaledge

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【籃球明星】Kobe Bryant - Kobe Ft. Tyra Banks

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【籃球明星】Shaquille O'Neal - What's Up Doc? (Can We Rock) ft. Fu-Schnickens

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【純音樂】馬友友 + Itzhak Perlman - Dvořák Humoresque

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【不能隻有我聽到】James Harden - Harden Soul

無視中國規定 美自由航行將繼續

石內蔔突破反派形象 艾倫瑞剋曼用演技說服李安

【不是蓋茲】坐擁6.2兆! 全球首富其實是他

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