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名詞子句和形容詞子句最大的不同是在形容詞子句的連接詞或稱作關係代名詞一定是"代錶前麵的一個名詞或代名詞"同時又是該形容詞子句的一部分as its subject object of eith ... 文法原理初稿 - 趣味新聞網

名詞子句和形容詞子句最大的不同是在形容詞子句的連接詞或稱作關係代名詞一定是"代錶前麵的一個名詞或代名詞"同時又是該形容詞子句的一部分as its subject  object of eith ... 文法原理初稿

發表日期 2008-04-04T05:31:16+08:00

     趣味新聞網記者特別報導 : 名詞子句和形容詞子句最大的不同是在形容詞子句的連接詞或稱作關係代名詞一定是"代錶前麵的一個名詞或代名詞"同時又是該形容詞子句的一部分as its subject, object of eith ... .....

     名詞子句和形容詞子句最大的不同是在形容詞子句的連接詞或稱作關係代名詞一定是"代錶前麵的一個名詞或代名詞"同時又是該形容詞子句的一部分as its subject, object of either transitive verb or preposition, or complement of intransitive verb, whereas名詞子句的連接詞並無前麵的一個名詞可代錶, 如果名詞子句前麵齣現一個名詞, 則該名詞子句整體代錶該名詞, 文法上稱為該名詞的同位語, 比較下麵兩句:
形容詞子句   Desertification is a global phenomenon "that" has affected farming everywhere in the world.
名詞子句       Desertification is a phenomenon that fertile lands gradually become barren wastelands.
"that fertile lands gradually become barren wastelands"整體that名詞子句代錶前麵的"phenomenon"並稱為該名詞的同位語.
Note: 一個that-clause的that連接詞如果不能滿足下麵任一用法時則該that-clause一定
不是形容詞子句而是名詞子句a that-clause that cannot meet any of the following uses is
a noun clause.
1. As the clause's subject:
The man "who” spoke to you yesterday is my uncle.
"who" is the 主詞subject of 形容詞子句"who spoke to you yesterday"
2.  As the object of the clause's transitive verb及物動詞的受詞
The man (“whom”) you met yesterday is my uncle. (“whom” can be omitted)
"whom" is the object of "met", 及物動詞的受詞時關係代名詞可省略
3.  As the object of the clause’s preposition
The man to “whom” you spoke yesterday is my uncle. (“whom” cannot be omitted)
Or, The man (“whom”) you spoke to yesterday is my uncle. (“whom” can be omitted)
"whom" is the object of "to"介係詞的受詞. 而當介係詞放在關係代名詞後麵時,
關係代名詞可省略. 介係詞放在關係代名詞前麵時, 關係代名詞不可省略
The house “where” (=in which) you live is rather clean.
The house in “which” you live is rather clean. (“which” cannot be omitted)
The house (“which”) you live in is rather clean. (“which” can be omitted)
“which” is the object of "in"介係詞的受詞. 而當介係詞放在關係代名詞後麵時, 關係代名詞可省略. 介係詞放在關係代名詞前麵時, 關係代名詞不可省略
4.  Three houses are all "that” there remain after the devastation of the flood.
all = 名詞, that代錶all同時又是該形容詞子句不及物動詞remain的補語可省略.
Desertification is a phenomenon that fertile lands gradually become barren wastelands.
1.        “that” cannot be the subject of become, since “fertile lands” is the subject.
2.        “that” cannot be the object of “become”, since “wastelands” is the object.
3.        “that” cannot be the介係詞的受詞, since the that-clause has no介係詞的受詞to combine with “that”.
4.        “that” cannot be the complementation補語 of 不及物動詞, since the that-clause has no 不及物動詞.
Therefore, 雖然that前麵有一個名詞但該 that-clause 不是形容詞子句而是名詞子句當作名詞的同位語
形容詞子句的連接詞或稱作關係代名詞為that, which, who, where, when
主格     that       which       who
受格     that       which       whom
所有格   whose     of which    whose, of whom
where = in which, when = in that 為介係詞與關係代名詞的組閤, 故無法當形容詞子句的主格受格,也無所有格.
Taiwan is a charming island where almost everything is enjoyable.
I married my wife in 1982 when I just received my MA degree.
【形容詞子句搭配 It加強語氣】
1. John broke the window.
=> It is John who broke the window.
2. We consulted John.
=> It was John whom we consulted.
3. We gave our old car to John.
=> It is John to whom we gave our old car.
4. In 1911 China established the first republic in Asia.
=> It was in 1911 when (= in that) China established the first republic in Asia.
5. I spent my last summer vacation in countryside.
=> It was in countryside where (=in which) I spent my last summer vacation.
6. Our teacher recommended Longman Dictionary.
=> It is Longman Dictionary that our teacher recommended.
【用 as 取代形容詞子句的that / which】
(1) He is an American, as is evident from his accent. ( as取代 that/which 代錶He is an American當作後麵子句is的主詞)
He is a polite person, as ( 取代 that/which ) is shown by his proper behavior and
This is also part of your work, as ( 取代 that /which) I told you before.
He spends all he has, as ( 取代 that/which ) is usual with students ( 取代 that ).
As ( 取代 that ) is usual with students, he spends all he has.
"that" “which” 是關係代名詞隻能代錶名詞或代名詞,不能代錶子句 "He is an American", "He is a polite person", “This is also part of your work”, …. 故使用as取代that/which當作關係代名詞.
(2) 為瞭配閤慣用語the same…as, as…as故使用as取代that/which/who當作關係代名詞.
It is the same story as (= that) I heard from her yesterday. ( as取代 that代錶story當作後麵子句及物動詞heard的受詞 )
He got as high a Toefl score as (= that) he could (get). ( as取代 that代錶score當作後麵子句及物動詞get的受詞, get可省略 )
He will buy as cheap a house as (= which) he can find. ( as取代 that代錶house當作後麵子句及物動詞find的受詞 )
This company can provide job training for nearly fifteen thousand people, about as many as (= who) are enrolled in Taiwan University this year. ( as取代 who代錶people當作後麵子句are動詞的主詞 )
1.        簡化為同位語
(1) Thomas Pain, (who was) an eloquent writer, wrote Common Sense, (which is) a pamphlet that identified the American colonies with the cause of liberty.
=> Thomas Pain, an eloquent writer, wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet that identified the American colonies with the cause of liberty.
(2) The celesta, (which is) an orchestral percussion, resembles a small upright piano.
=> The celesta, an orchestral percussion, resembles a small upright piano.
2.        簡化為過去分詞片語
(1) The outer layer of the heart, (which is) called the pericardium, forms a sac in which the heart lies.
=>The outer layer of the heart, called the pericardium, forms a sac in which the heart lies.
(2) Indigo is a vat color, (which is) so called because it does not dissolve in water.
=> Indigo is a vat color, so called because it does not dissolve in water.
3.        簡化為現在分詞片語
(1) Nellie, who had gained a reputation as an intrepid journalist, became the first female           reporter assigned to the Eastern front during the First World War.
=>Nellie, having gained a reputation as an intrepid journalist, became the first female reporter assigned to the Eastern front during the First World War.
(2) Wetlands, which depend on many factors, may be mossy or grassy.
=> Wetlands, depending on many factors, may be mossy or grassy.現在分詞片語.
4.        簡化為形容詞片語
(1) Marry, (who was) skeptical of the theories of her colleagues, formulated her own.
=> Marry, skeptical of the theories of her colleagues, formulated her own.
(2) Insects, (that are) common on our Earth, are indispensable for the preservation of ecology.
=> Insects, common on our Earth, are indispensable for the preservation of ecology.
1.        同位語
(1)        An eloquent writer, Thomas Pain wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet that identified the American colonies with the cause of liberty.
(2)        An orchestral percussion, the celesta resembles a small upright piano.
2. 過去分詞片語
Called the pericardium, the outer layer of the heart forms a sac in which the heart lies.
3. 現在分詞片語
(1)        Having gained a reputation as an intrepid journalist, Nellie became the first female
reporter assigned to the Eastern front during the First World War.
(2)        Depending on many factors, wetlands may be mossy or grassy
4. 形容詞片語
(1) Skeptical of the theories of her colleagues, Marry formulated her own.
(2) Common on our Earth, insects are indispensable for the preservation of ecology.
Note:除上述四種片語外, 還有不定式片語, 介係詞片語, 及副詞或副詞子句可當句首
5. 不定式片語: To protect their bodies, the ancient warriors usually used shields.
6. 介係詞片語: During her college, Marry studied very hard.
Despite many difficulties, they finally solved the problem.
Because of her good temper, she has a lot of friends.
7. 副詞: Unfortunately, their attempts to solve the problem all failed.
8. 副詞子句: Although they encountered many difficulties, they finally solved the problem.
Because he is proficient in several foreign languages, John is assigned to work abroad.
Note: 副詞子句也可放在句中, 句尾
Success is achieved by efforts, although other factors, such as intelligence, may also play a part.
They finally solved the problem, although (though) they encountered many difficulties.
John is assigned to work abroad because (as) he is proficient in several foreign languages
1. be動詞+名詞
Yesterday ten students, three of whom are foreigners, came to see me.
=> Yesterday ten students, three of them foreigners, came to see me.
2. be動詞+形容詞
Yesterday ten students, three of whom were shy, came to see me.
=> Yesterday ten students, three of them shy, came to see me.
3. be動詞+介詞片語
Yesterday ten students, three of whom are full of dreams, came to see me.
=> Yesterday ten students, three of them full of dreams, came to see me.
Yesterday ten students, three of whom were dressed in white, came to see me.
=> Yesterday ten students, three of them dressed in white, came to see me.
Yesterday ten students, three of whom attend my TOEFL class, came to see me.
=> Yesterday ten students, three of them attending my TOEFL class, came to see me.
6.省略主詞(及連接詞), 改為不定式
(1) Insects have developed thousand ways with which they can camouflage themselves.
=> Insects have developed thousand ways with which to camouflage themselves.
=> Insects have developed thousand ways to camouflage themselves.
(2) John is the right man whom we should consult.
=> John is the right man whom to consult.=> John is the right man to consult.
(3) He offered me a place at which I could stay for a couple of days.
=> He offered me a place at which to stay for a couple of days.
=> He offered me a place to stay for a couple of days.
(4) The time at which you should arrive is 8 a.m.=> The time at which to arrive is 8 a.m.
=> The time (for you) to arrive is 8 a.m.
1. 錶程度…the extent to which…
We don’t know the extent to which our company is in debt.
2. 錶方法…the way(s) in(with) which…
Insects have developed thousand ways with which to camouflage themselves.
3. 錶速率…the (a) rate at which…
The prices of houses have risen at a rate at which we won’t be able to buy a house.
(x) You succeed in your test, which comforts me.
“which” cannot stand for “You succeed in your test”; use 同為語 “an achievement” that comforts me.
【名詞子句整體的功用等同名詞, 凡名詞的角色,名詞子句均可扮演】
Ex.1 As the object of a transitive verb
Everybody knows that you were late for the meeting yesterday.
Our boss usually determines what we must do (what must be done).
名詞子句整體當作know, determine及物動詞的受詞
Note: We believe (that) + S + V …. (“that”可省略)
Ex.2 As the subject of a verb
That the Earth is round is a fact.
What interests me interests my brother as well. (What = The thing that)
名詞子句整體當作is, interests動詞的主詞
Ex.3 As the object of a preposition
Everybody is informed of that you were late for the meeting yesterday.
I am worried about that my TOEFL score is not good enough.
Please inform me of what is going on. (what = the thing that)
名詞子句整體當作介係詞"of", "about"的受詞. (不是that當其受詞)
John and Smith differ in that John is more generous.
Dennis is unique among my students in that he is the only foreigner in the class.
The boss is called dictator in that he decides everything by himself.
名詞子句整體當作介係詞"in"的受詞, 說明John and Smith 在哪方麵differ, Dennis 在哪方麵is unique, 及The boss 就哪方麵來看is called dictator. (不是that當"in"的受詞)
Ex.4 As the 補語 of 不及物動詞
The indisputable fact is that you were late for the meeting yesterday.
In his time, Chinshihuan秦始皇 was what we would call today a tyrant.
Ex.5 As 主詞同位語
His opinion that politics always interferes with economy is somewhat true.
名詞子句整體當作主詞(opinion) 的同位語
Ex.6 As 受詞同位語
Some of us accept his opinion that politics always interferes with economy.
Ex. 7 As情緒形容詞的補語, such as glad, happy, afraid…
I am glad that you came to my wedding
名詞子句整體當作glad 形容詞的補語.
Note: that名詞子句整體可用“it”虛主詞或虛受詞來代錶
It was surprising that you were late for the meeting yesterday.
We think it inexcusable that you were late for the meeting yesterday.
who, whom, what, which, whatever, where, when與形容詞子句不同的是連接詞之前並無名詞.
1.  I don't know who could help me now. "who"當作could help動詞的主詞
2.        I don't know what (= the thing that) I should do now. "what"當作及物動詞do的受詞
3.        I don’t know which one I should choose. “which one” 當作及物動詞choose的受詞
4.        You may choose whatever you like. “whatever” 當作及物動詞like的受詞
5.        I don't know where (= the place which) I could go now. "where"當作不及物動詞go的補語
6.        I don't know what (= the thing that) there remains."what"當作不及物動詞remain的補語
7.  I don't know to whom I could talk.
Or, I don't know whom I could talk to. "whom"當作介係詞to的受詞
當wh-名詞子句動詞的行為者與主要子句的主詞或受詞是同一個時,或行為者為general people不需指定時, 則可用不定式取代名詞子句
Ex. I don't know where to go now.   He told me where to go.(where I could go)
I don't know what to do now.    He told me what to do.(what I should do)
I don’t know whom to talk to.   He told me whom to talk to.(I could talk to)
This book instructs how to cook.  This map shows how to get Mountain Ali.
Note: 凡接”錶達疑問或未確定意思的主要子句”的名詞子句必須使用疑問詞where, when, what, which, why, how, whether所引導的名詞子句, 反之卻不必然
Where he went remains a puzzle.          Where he went is not our concern.
When he left the meeting remains a puzzle.  When he left the meeting is not our concern.
What caused the accident is still a mystery.  What caused the accident attracts our attention.
Which one among these books is better is still undecided. Which one is better is not a matter.
Why he left the meeting so hurriedly is unclear.  Why he was late interests none of us.
How dinosaurs became extinct is debated.  How dinosaurs became extinct interests scientists
Whether he will come to the meeting is uncertain (or depends on his health condition).
Whether he will come to the meeting will not influence our decision.
That he left the meeting so hurriedly remains a puzzle.
“That he left the meeting so hurriedly”是一個事實故不能接remains a puzzle疑惑
【用 as 替代名詞子句的what】
It is what you told me. 那是你所告訴我的
It is as you told me. 那是如你所告訴我的 (與上一句意思有點差彆)
It is just what you like. 那是你所喜歡的
It is just as you like. 那是如你所喜歡的 (與上一句意思有點差彆)
Note: He is American, as is evident from his accent. (as…為形容詞子句, as 取代that or which)
It is as you told me. (as…為名詞子句, as替代 what, 意思有點差彆)
The fish is cooked as I like it. (as…為副詞子句, as = how, the way, the way in which)
副詞子句初稿                                                 by Fang yeouyee
【副詞子句的功用】錶達主要子句發生的when, where, how, why
為非獨立子句用來修飾一個獨立的主要子句, 所以不能單獨存在, 必須搭配一個獨立的主要子句來使用。以下的寫法是錯的:
(x) Because lions do not have exceptional speed. 非獨立子句
=> Because lions do not have exceptional speed, they must rely on the element of surprise for the hunt. 搭配一個獨立的主要子句
(x) Although most insects lay eggs非獨立子句
=>Although most insects lay eggs, some give birth to live young搭配一個獨立的主要子句.
Note: 一個非獨立子句與一個獨立主要子句用副詞連接詞Although連接時的句子, 稱為complex sentence 而雙獨立主要子句用對等連接詞and, but, or連接時的句子如
Most insects lay eggs, but some give birth to live young. 稱為compound sentence.
雙獨立主要子句必須用對等連接詞and, but, or或分號連接。以下的寫法是錯的:
Most insects lay eggs, some give birth to live young.
總而言之子句與子句之間必須有連接詞, 唯that名詞子句的連接詞that有時可省略
1. 原因或理由: Because…/ Since…/As…
2. 讓步Although…/ Even though…/ For all that…/…though… / Even if…/ While…/ Whereas…/…as…/ As…as…
However (adj.) (adv.)… / Whatever…/ Whenever…/ Wherever…
3. 對照While…/ Whereas…
4. 條件If…/ Unless…/ Whether…or not
5. 時間: When(ever)…/ While…/After…/ Before…/ Since…/ Until…/ Till…/Once…/ As…/ As soon as…/As long as…
6. 地點: Where(ver)…
7. 假設: If…
8. 因果: So…that…, Such…that…
9. 目的/結果: …so that…, …such that…/…, so (that)….
10依照//類似///比較: … as…//…, (just) as…; (Just) as…, so…/ as if…/ as though…///…as…as…/… not so…as… / …more (less)…than…
11正比: The…more (less)…, the more…(less)…/ As...
12程度範圍: As far as…
13情境: Seeing that…
Note: 一字連接詞不可再添加連接詞, 以下的寫法是錯的:
(x) Although most insects lay eggs, but some give birth to live young.
(x) Since (Because) John masters several foreign languages, therefore (so) he is assigned to work abroad.
多字連接詞不可缺字也不可換字, 以下的寫法是錯的:
As soon you arrive there, please call us..
He usually works so late to get up early.
Note: so…that…的that可省略
適用於錶時間when, while, after, before, since, once, until, till 讓步although, (even) though, while, 對照while, 條件if, unless, 依照as, 類似as if, as though的副詞連接詞
1.        省略副詞子句的【代名詞主詞與被動態的be助動詞】
(1) Once (it was) published, the new novel created a furor.
(2) While (I was) driving into the town, I saw a terrible traffic accident.
(3) Even though (he was) punished, Smith showed no penitence.
(4) If (they are) known, such facts must be reported.
(5) Fill in the blanks as (you are) instructed.
(6) Speak to her as though (you were) unaware that she is in bad mood.
Note: (7) She looked at me as if (to say) that I shouldn’t date other girls.
2.        省略副詞子句的【代名詞主詞與be動詞】
(1) Although (I am) very tired, I continue to work.
Water, though (it is) abundant on the Earth, should not be wasted.
(2) When or If (you are) in doubt, consult the dictionary.
3.        省略副詞子句的【代名詞主詞, 改其動詞為分詞】.
(1) When (While) I studied abroad, I made friends of different countries.
=>When (While) studying abroad, I made friends of different countries.
(2) Beavers can stay underwater for fifteen minutes before they have to surface for air.
=>Beavers can stay underwater for fifteen minutes before having to surface for air.
(3) Although I feel tired, I continue to work.
=> Although feeling tired, I continue to work.
(4) Some diseases may afflict some people while they spare the others.
=> Some diseases may afflict some people while sparing the others.
(5) If you feel tired, you may take a rest.
=> If feeling tired, you may take a rest.
4.  省略副詞子句的【連接詞與代名詞主詞, 改其動詞為分詞】適用於錶原因的副詞連接詞because, since, as 錶時間的副詞連接詞when, while
(1) Because she condemned her works as derivative, the painter destroyed them all..
=> Condemning her works as derivative, the painter destroyed them all.
(2) When I neared the entrance, I greeted my old friend.
=> Nearing the entrance, I greeted my old friend.
1.省略副詞子句的【連接詞, 改其動詞為分詞】, 適用於錶原因的副詞連接詞because, since, as
(1) Because his right hand was badly injured, Smith used his left hand.
=> His right hand badly injured, Smith used his left hand.
(2) Because no further discussion arose, the meeting was brought to a close
=> No further discussion arising, the meeting was brought to a close.
(3) Since the weather is (was) good, we go (went) for a picnic.
=> The weather being good, we go (went) for a picnic.
2.省略副詞子句的【be動詞】 適用於副詞子句的連接詞為whatever, however, no matter what (how, etc.) 動詞為be動詞時,
(1) Whatever the weather (is), they go out playing baseball.
(2) However hard the work (is), I will bring it off.
(3) No matter what obstacles (are), I will overcome them.
(4) No matter how difficult TOEFL (is), I’ll do my best to succeed.
3.省略正比副詞子句【The…more (less)…, the more…(less)…的be動詞】
The lower the level of lighting in a room (is), the slowly our eyes can focus.
1. If I were rich, I would buy it.與現在相反的假設
=>Were I rich, I would buy it.
2. If I had been rich, I would have bought it. 與過去相反的假設
=>Had I been rich, I would have bought it.
Note: these two sentences are reversed 倒裝句
Note: 與現在相反的as though
She treats me as though I were a stranger. (In fact, I am not a stranger to her now)
與過去相反的as though
She treated me as though I had been a stranger. (In fact, I was not a stranger to her then)
As far as程度範圍副詞子句, 下句為慣用語
As far as is known, dolphins have no sense of smell.
= As far as we know, dolphins have no sense of smell.
as類似副詞子句或比較副詞子句, 省略重復字
I cannot understand Russian, as (John) he can understand Russian, because I have never learned it.
=> I cannot understand Russian, as he can (John), because I have never learned it.
I work hard, as my father worked hard, to raise my family.
=> I work hard, as did my father, to raise my family.
She can play the piano, as her mother plays the piano.
=> She can play the piano, as does her mother.
She is musical, as her mother was musical.
=> She is musical, as was her mother.
I can run faster than John (can run).
I love her more than you do.
I love her more than does John. (or John does)
Living in a freestanding house is still the goal of young generation as it was the goal of old generations.
=> Living in a freestanding house is still the goal of young generation as it was of old generations. (it代名詞替代Living in a freestanding house)
1. so…that…因果句的獨立子句之倒裝 so…that…
My English is so poor that I cannot read or understand it.
=> So poor is my English that I cannot read or understand it.
2. If假設的副詞子句之倒裝.
If I were rich, I would buy it.與現在相反的假設
=>Were I rich, I would buy it.
If I should be punished for no reason, I would resist.
=>Should I be punished for no reason, I would resist.
If I had been rich, I would have bought it. 與過去相反的假設
=> Had I been rich, I would have bought it.
If I had seen him, I would have told you.
=> Had I seen him, I would have told you.
3. as類似副詞子句或比較副詞子句之倒裝
I cannot understand Russian, as John can, because I have never learned it.
=> I cannot understand Russian, as can John, because I have never learned it.
I love her more than does John.(也可不倒裝 => John does)
4. as 讓步副詞子句之倒裝(一定要倒裝)
As (Though) he is rich, he never squanders.雖然有錢但他從不揮霍
=> Rich as (though) he is, he never squanders. Or,
=> As rich as he is, he never squanders.(美式英語)
5. The…more (less)…, the more…(less)…的倒裝
因The more you study, 果the more you will learn.
果You will learn more, 因the more you study.

[ 本帖最後由 robert1984 於 2008-4-26 18:25 編輯 ]


立刻按 ctrl+D收藏本頁




thanks a lot for sharing this file, man!





    我最近開始準備托福 文法還是有些問題 問瞭一些人應該看哪本文法書 他們迴答是劉毅跟鏇元佑的書 劉毅的我找到瞭 可是鏇元佑這本怎麼找也找不到 請問闆上有人可以提供消息的嗎? [ 本帖最後由 robert1984 於 2008-5-13 20.......


    號稱颱灣人英文文法聖經的 施元佑文法 讀瞭保證讓您愛不釋手 網路已賣到絕版缺貨並喊到4000元的天價 低調提供 http://www.badongo.com/cfile/7824551 檔案解壓縮密碼:altj_by_FDZone.ORG [.......


    請問鬥六成大分院好嗎?待遇如何??有機會可以調迴颱南的總院嗎?? 還是像颱南市立醫院或颱南醫院...去那邊工作有機會轉正職嗎?? [ 本帖最後由 uyan 於 2008-5-28 06:32 編輯 ].......


    各位朋友大傢好 我弟弟這個月底就要到新中受新訓瞭 在這裏想請教曾在那裏待過的朋友 那邊的公共電話是用哪一種電話卡 傳統的呢還是晶片的? [ 本帖最後由 max1130 於 2007-12-6 11:18 編輯 ].......


    我是今年應屆畢業生 即將準備甄試 聽說以往新光醫院會個彆通知學生去麵試~ 但我都還沒被通知到… 不知道到底開始瞭沒? 真是有點緊張…… 請問新光的麵試及筆試 大多考些什麼呢? 希望能給些方嚮來做準備 謝謝各位:) [ 本帖最後由 小.......


    各位~~學長~~明天我要入伍瞭!!....我是海軍陸戰隊第C696梯次的..中心在屏東龍泉....頭發裏的太短會不會被定阿= = 因為~~我理3 分頭= = [ 本帖最後由 max1130 於 2008-7-21 00:26 編輯 ].......


    我即將於十一月七日入伍,想請問當過兵的大大們,第一個星期是墾親嗎?第二個星期就有放假瞭哦?結訓假的話大約是放多久啊? [ 本帖最後由 max1130 於 2007-12-11 16:30 編輯 ].......


    熟記下麵要點.保證當兵齣包機率減少許多. 無敵憲兵所整理齣的義務兵入伍必備物品   當兵記的通知--無敵憲兵--喔 軍中什麼都是假的,隻有能全身而退纔是真的 當兵不吃虧-菜鳥自救   http://mmstop.vf.com.tw/   上網找問題…多準備..準沒錯 即將入伍的菜兵們,以下是我認為入營必備物品,提齣來給各位參考: 1.徵集令 2.印章一個 (不可與郵局開戶同一個) 3.身分證正本 4.身分證正反麵影本x1 5.郵局存簿影本 (請把帳戶記下或背起來) .......


    大傢好.我是今年應屆畢業生.研究所要等候補機會渺茫.所以大概直接當兵瞭. 我抽到的是...海軍艦艇兵....(先說囉..我完全不懂..所以下麵有白吃問題請體諒囉))謝謝 請問海軍艦艇兵.. 1.都是做些什麼的呢.. 2.還有收放假是怎樣呢.. 3.......

新兵裝瞎 吃碗麵就好瞭

    新兵裝瞎 吃碗麵就好瞭 【聯閤晚報╱記者韋麗文/颱北報導】 2008.02.22 03:04 pm    「班長!我什麼都看不見瞭!」入伍沒多久的新兵,跌跌撞撞、歇斯底裏的狂叫著,慌張的班長以為班兵齣瞭差錯,立刻帶著他奔往三軍總醫院。最後發現.......


    真好笑.新兵剛入伍.要先跟班長抱抱.這是什麼規定阿.已經有一個很天的教育部長瞭.又多瞭一個很天的國防部長.說什麼新兵剛入伍.要跟班長先抱抱.等於是雙方先禮後兵.等抱完.就開使乾憔.要不是今天立法委員.把李天羽.叫起來乾瞭一頓.規定纔取消.不然這像國軍嗎 .......


    請問12月12號有誰要去颱南大內新訓的?2031梯(後備908旅)? 我住彰化社頭 對瞭大傢大約都是幾年次的阿? 我77的... 先認識一下吧.... 到時纔能互相照顧! 我陸軍的! 及時s317007! (歡迎各位加入優!^^) 需要帶神麼.......


    以前到新訓中心,一定要先打一針,說是疾病預防針,但私底下都俗稱乖乖針, 打完乖乖針後,三個月真的都乖乖的,一點那個慾望都沒有,連早上都不會升旗喔... 下部隊後就變正常瞭,開始有精蟲肥大的後遺癥産生.... 還有打測驗前,也是一針預防針下去........


    首先~~第一步就是要入營報到啦~~建議各位~~先在外麵把頭發剪短~在入營 雖然說~入營後還會有發婆幫你剪一遍~~但是他都拿著理發推子亂推 如果你的頭發有點長度的話~~常常會發生~~整顆頭光光光~~偏偏就是還有幾個角落有一搓長發在那邊飄呀飄~~~因為發婆.......


    請問有沒有人已經報名今年的TOEIC 各位對於新製是如何準備~ 1/21那場有人去嗎?? 我是每天都練聽力~以及看NEW YORK TIMES 希望目標有800..... [ 本帖最後由 robert1984 於 2008-1-14 23:22 .......


    這幾天爬瞭好多文章,因為想讓自己以後再下部隊的時候更快點過平凡一點的軍旅生活,因為體能爛到爆,實在不想被黑,被操到死 一、1.話說不打勤不打懶專打不長眼,2.彆當頭和尾 1.這應該就是白目的意思吧 2彆當頭和尾是彆太認真工作,但是也彆做太慢嗎,這句話.......

新型詐騙手法 ( 提高警覺總沒錯 )‏

    騙子太多 人心恍恍 自己多小心吧 >> > >> >  今天約略晚上6點時我的手機響起, >> >  我看號碼0886XXXXXXX的, >> >  我接起來,對方是一個女的, >> > >> > >> 她:「X先生你好,我這裏是博客來網路書.......


    這是我第一次考多益 以前從沒考過   英文程度普通 因為我考瞭三次英檢中高級沒過 = =a                                                                                  .......

新手上路 跌跌撞撞

    今天是我上班第2天 以第三者的角度看學姊工作 覺得不難 但要自己操作 卻是緊張到心髒都不知道跳到哪 過幾天應該慢慢的就換自己做瞭 進入臨床發現自己依賴性太強 卻有一股衝動想往上爬 不想當任何人的絆腳石 可是看order也隻能自嘆自己英文差.......



    我要結婚瞭!! 請大傢一邊看照片,一邊給我們祝福吧!! 造型後,在婚紗館側拍的。 攝影師特彆交代不能吃太飽,所以隻有吃菜 [ 本帖最後由 winging 於 2008-2-24 04:04 編輯 ].......

新環保健康時尚 帶水壺

    在巴黎,服裝設計師皮爾卡登設計水壺鼓勵巴黎人多喝水。 在紐約,大傢穿上「I Love NYC Tap Water」的T恤。 在東京,隻要拿水壺進閤作商店,商傢會幫你免費裝水。 在大阪,小學校長寫信給傢長:「該是帶水壺的時候瞭」。 在颱北,水壺復興運.......


    今天在病房看到新病人入住的過程, 病人從急診入, 可能醫師評估、先生同意之後,病人坐在推床上就送進瞭精神科急性病房的刷卡大門, 病人進來之後,張望瞭病房一下,馬上就發現跟原來自己想的不一樣, 對先生叫喊著說:你不是要帶我迴傢? 三四個護士小姐接著.......

新的偷車方式( CAR JACKINGS 偷車)

    您橫跨停車場走過去, 打開您的汽車並且坐進去。您發動引擎和倒車齣來。當您看到後視鏡和您的停車位置 後麵,看到有一張信函紙被貼在後窗的中間。 因此,您停止倒退,打開車門並且齣來要拿下那張紙。 當您走到您的汽車後麵時,偷車賊突然冒齣來,跳進您的座車.......


    不曉得大傢知不知道多益有多瞭一個新的考法 叫做TOEIC Bridge 普及多益 是針對英語初學者,和TOEIC分數纔450分的朋友 比照多益的考法,念法的速度有比較慢瞭一點 如果害怕多益會考不好的朋友可以去試試這個考試喔:smile: TOEIC BRIDGE 這個網站有介紹一些有關普及考試的訊息,希望可以幫到大傢.......




    我想問說目前新竹國泰護理人員有缺嗎? 我想要應徵是直接將履曆錶記過去嗎?還市直接用104應徵就好瞭 國泰醫院有宿捨嗎?因為去年學校推徵國泰有錄取.但是因為被分派到分院去所以放棄.這樣會被列入黑名單嗎 [ 本帖最後由 uyan 於 2008-5-30 .......


    請問在那邊當兵的學長大大們 有人認識一個叫詹俊彥的班長嗎? 他是我大學同學 人還不錯 隻是有時候會性幻想講一些黃的 抱怨東抱怨西 不曉得他帶兵是什麼樣子 [ 本帖最後由 ERTI 於 2007-4-9 23:28 編輯 ].......


    今天看瞭新聞... 纔深深體會到原來陸軍官校除瞭培育混吃等死的DOG官之外 原來還有馬扶功能?? 把自己的女性朋友介紹給西點軍校的人 還自動幫那外國DOG灌醉? 這個莊姓未來DOG官居然隻記兩大過兩小過和留校察看? 他怎麼不介紹他自己的親.......


    5月3日自由時報刊齣一篇文章。 我們不是天使 原文如下:         我們不是天使 ■ 巫菲翎     颱灣的護理人員長期以來處在人力短缺、工作負荷過重、醫護關係不平等及不安全的工作環境等惡劣情境中,護理人員職場的痛苦指數未曾下降,.......


    大傢都知道新聞報導國防部長說明年實施一年的役期可以迴朔到今年的7月 今天去參加役男抽簽 颱上有主管說明役期 說役期一年2個月而明年元旦實施ㄧ年是要看招募士兵的結果如何纔決定 讓我覺得被人騙瞭 我不再忽是要當一年還是1年2個月,但你總不能役期在那.......



    [wmv]mms://[/wmv] 更多轉貼精采影片 http://suprememastertelevision.com/tw 影片外的新增環保新聞 請看7.12.13.14.樓的補充 15樓   6/26新增 美國500名市長已簽署一項改善氣候變遷的計畫 這項計畫依京都協議書內的標準   降低排放量 加州阿諾史瓦辛格市長錶示 好的領導人可以帶領市民作正確的決定 讓世界及聯邦政府知道 人民對這.......

新花盆先泡水纔能用 & 布料加鹽浸泡不退色

    新花盆先泡水纔能用 沒有經泡水過的新瓷製花盆用來種花, 花盆會把土裏的水分吸乾, 造成花草枯死! 新花盆在使用前應該放在冷水中浸泡二十分鍾, 再種上花草便不會枯死! 布料加鹽浸泡不退色 新購的有色花布, 第一次下水時, 加鹽浸泡十.......


    請問各位大大~~~~ 要如何纔能消除新買的衣櫥所散發齣來的臭味阿???:emo 002: 謝謝解答~~.......


    我有一個同學當海陸的 但是他不是龍泉 而是在新中 如果去龍全是不是比較操呀 還是都依樣呢 我單槓一下都拉不上去 3000也不知道跑步跑的完 如果有這些問題 那是不是要一直被操 操到達到上麵的標準為止呢 [ 本帖最後由 ERTI 於 20.......

新訓中心台南大內 步三營2031T的簽到吧!!

    1月18號撥交瞭 大傢都分配到哪個單位阿 爽不爽呢? 操不操呢? 我是在高雄左營的單位 我在國防部 由於現在還是新兵的階段 所以要等過年後 纔會開始站安官 我不用受專長訓 我去開車的 大傢說說看這幾天在訓練中心或者是單位的感想吧 順便說說是哪一連的吧 我新訓在步3營步2連的 [ 本帖最後由 jackywu670408 於 2008-1-26 20:19 編輯 ].......


    請問在新訓中心當班長需要什麼條件和體能(不是簽3年那種)?受班長訓期間有放假或墾親嗎?如果結訓沒通過會被踢到那邊?整個訓練過程大概是怎樣? 請各位前輩們解惑,謝謝。 [ 本帖最後由 max1130 於 2007-12-11 16:36 編輯 ].......


    問一下各位學長喔,新訓的單戰需要背嗎??  裏麵有10條很多,有點懶得背 [ 本帖最後由 max1130 於 2007-12-20 15:48 編輯 ].......


    本人是1919T  我隻記得我是兵器連  .....  =  = 以前新訓在衛武營 點放一天  也超方便的 高速公路就在隔壁  迴傢20分鍾就到嚕 ^^ 衛武營芒果真的很多  不甜到是真的  因為我吃過   現在便紀念公園   有機會迴去看看巴 .......


    以前新訓的時候,班長總是喜歡玩兵 有一次被操翻瞭之後,大傢在樹下休息 班長就問瞭[纍不纍阿?] 我們就是識相的說[報告班長,不纍] 誰知道班長迴應[不是這樣玩的啦!] 那要怎樣玩 ???? 答案是 班長: 纍不纍? 新兵:報告班長,很纍,.......


    偶覺得呢是3000公尺和500障! 讓我最受不瞭瞭, 還有單兵也最讓我受不瞭囉 [ 本帖最後由 max1130 於 2007-12-6 15:48 編輯 ].......



A house differs from a home....


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