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preparation materials: What are you waiting and quickly come to learn it. simple steps Sichuan is religious self-Pickle chicken legs, easy to learn, not to be missed o - 趣味新聞網

preparation materials:     What are you waiting  and quickly come to learn it.   simple steps Sichuan is religious self-Pickle chicken legs, easy to learn, not to be missed o

發表日期 2010-08-27T11:28:44+08:00

     趣味新聞網記者特別報導 : preparation materials: What are you waiting, and quickly come to learn it. simple steps, a few .....

     preparation materials:

What are you waiting, and quickly come to learn it.

simple steps, a few days you will be able to do their own delicious taste

4. liquor necessary to prepare a bottle of white wine

9. chicken feet cooked, and scooped washed again with cold chicken feet to open
2 days after
2. in the chicken feet have added ginger, pepper, anise, three resistant grass fruit, moncler clothes , cinnamon

6. adding cold water in the pan began to boil

want to eat more eat more spicy hot
bubble ready to eat.
incredible the chicken legs, mbt habari , a delicious and came out
2. Ingredients: white wine, vinegar, sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, the supermarket to buy bottled Pickle.

5. put down the chicken feet in white wine, and spices mixed together and add a little salt, preserved an hour.

10. and then add chicken legs into the water with wild salamanders

7. cook about 15-20 minutes

make more tasty chicken feet, soak up more of Hong

want to eat healthy and delicious chicken legs

guarantee you Guozu Yin, Life of the men do to women [Figure ,

then add some sugar, white vinegar, buy vibram five fingers , salt, MSG

actually do their best to eat, or
1. spice: bullet chili pepper, ginger, pepper, discount columbia jackets , anise, three resistant grass fruit, cinnamon

can buy for home cut, wash chicken feet installed in the basin.

3. Ingredients: chicken claw
8. After cooking, the color map was then 10 minutes off the heat soak time

first step. the selection and purchase of good chicken legs, you can let the chef at the time of purchase of nail scissors to the chicken claw away

shredded onion, uug classic boots , celery cut into the last section with bubble

eaten a lot of people have friends of chicken legs

be sure that we do this than it is absolutely delicious.

supermarket's chicken legs are added preservatives and other stuff in it
wash can be a little, not too long, so you can wash the chicken legs, extra gum
the spice and liquor bought chicken feet under the weight of your right to join.

3. join the bullet, and chilli pepper
4. dishes: onion, celery and a little


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So... I am here for the 10 points

    Nice to meet you everyone!!!.......


    測試貼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~報告~~ 結束瞭!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......


    大傢好~新手來報到!!                                請各位多多指教ㄚ~.......

TEST Only....................Johnnie

    just test only..................................................


    有生以來的第一次 先試試看吧!!!.......




    Hey so much fun here i can't wait!!.......



Testing oh


The search engin for this site is very stupid.

    Everytime you need to go to a sub manu, it alway go around big circle before that.  You got lost everytime when trying to reach .......

What is the reward

    come in the media criticism of the high reputation, but viewers do not see a self-criticism. media is not your real mother Qi.......


    大傢好!!!! 我是小八:)))))).......

Yooooooooo ! 我來報到瞭 .

    其實我打的Yooooooooo !  是影片學來的 ... 本人比較喜歡打wwwwwwww ........

[ 大傢好 ]






    本帖最後由 yloba 於 2010-8-20 08:52 編輯 * 丁當 - 我不怕.mp4 9.3 MB [100%] RetryServer returned HTTP-Status #500 這是什麼錯誤訊息 為什麼不能上傳呢@@ [這是附圖] : .......


    啦啦啦 大傢一起來歌頌人生吧 雖然這人生如夢 很多犯罪還是不能做的喔.......





[報到] 各位好!

    [報到] 各位好!多多指教! 小弟覺得卡提諾是個不錯的論壇!希望多點上來,望各位鼓勵一下! 謝謝!.......

[報到] 新手報到^^

    哈摟哈摟,大傢好喔:) 希望大傢多多指教. 本人專攻動漫以及小說方麵{:4_524:} P.S:動漫偏嚮少女類型,少女漫以外的最愛傢庭教師^^ / 小說偏嚮言情小說 有興趣的可以互相交流唷.......

[報到] 新兵報到

    新兵報到~! 請大大多多幫忙~~.......

[報到] 新手報到


[報到] 新手報到~


[報到] 新手報到~請多指教

    測試兼報到~ 人的一生其實就是在受難,受各種各樣的難……齣生是難,所以要哭,摔倒是難,所以要哭,學習是難,所以要哭,甚至連長大也是難,所以也要哭,正因為是受難,所以人在痛苦之後就會成長,因為齣生之難,所以人活在瞭這個世界上,因為跌倒之難,所以人學會瞭走路.......

[報到] 菜鳥報到

    大傢好, 我是菜到不行的菜鳥,請大傢多多指教 .......

[報到] 超級新手就是我

    各位學長學姐好 超級新手就是在下小弟我^^ 新兵日誌可以開始撰寫瞭 多多指教.......

[報到]大傢好 菜鳥報到

    大傢好 希望前輩們能多多指教.......


    嗨嗨 ~大傢好 因為愛看小說而被吸引加入會員 .......


    [報到]新人報到   [報到]新人報到   [報到]新人報到   [報到]新人報到   [報到]新人報到.......


    話說是為瞭幫爹娘下載颱語歌的mp3...... 翻找一堆知識後....感人的一刻就是..發現卡提諾王國(痛哭流涕) 終於....讓...讓我找到這裏瞭xd so....這裏有挖不完的寶<*0*>~~先謝過分享各類"寶物"在這論壇的大大們 超感激xd.......


    菜鳥上路 好重的菜味.......


    大傢好,小弟是taipeiDK , 來自taipei 報到兼測試,來到颱灣第一論譠,還希望大傢多多照顧~~.......


    各位好 請多指教.......


    唷~ 我很帥拉 我很帥拉 我很帥拉 我很帥拉.......


    久聞此地是個充滿人情味的寶地 特此註冊來報到! 希望 能獲得很多有用資訊唷 cc.......


    各位大傢好我是新進來的菜鳥~ 請各位多多指教!!! 謝謝~.......

[新手測試]大傢好 小弟測試一下

    本帖最後由 yloba 於 2010-8-18 10:13 編輯 大傢好阿 我是新人 請大傢多多指教 .......


    如題,經爬文,發現我已經無法完成新手任務,可是她一直在左邊有個標簽很擋畫麵, 可以把它弄掉嗎?超睏擾,我看小說一整個超不順利的,拜託幫幫忙,因為那個標簽, 讓我很難使用這個論壇.......




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