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今年《韋氏大詞典》Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary選齣100個新字,納入第11版字典,《韋氏大詞典》是美國最暢銷的字典,看它每年新收錄的字,就知道英語文化圈裏又齣現瞭那些新鮮事。《韋氏大詞典》每年公布新添熱門buzzwords時,都會掀起一股討論的熱潮。我們一起看看幾個2009年度新添加的代錶詞匯:
1.staycation / 宅度假
假期不外齣,不要說stay at home,最新說法take a staycation。Staycation指在傢裏度過假期。這種度假方式隨著經濟不景氣而開始流行,《韋氏大詞典》形容這個字已經"流行到讓詞典無法忽視"。
例句:With the price of gas soaring, a staycation is what most Americans will experience during the holiday.
2.green collar / 綠領
「綠領」指從事環境保護、農業科學研究、綠化等行業的人,也泛指喜歡野趣,把戶外、林野作為夢想的人們,特彆指有環保意識和行動的人。這個字流行之後,也有所謂的"green collar job"。
我們以往熟悉的是White collar,意思是上班族;藍領blue collar是勞動階級;現在多瞭green collar"綠領",指齣生於上世紀70年代至80年代初,深受各種新思潮的影響;畢業後工作在大都市,視野開闊。在環境汙染、生存壓力過大的背景下成長,green-collar宣導"善待自己也善待環境"的主張。
例句:Steve now works for EcoSafe, a company who makes environmentally safe light bulbs, and he joined the green collar ranks.
3.sock puppet / 虛擬網路身分
英文本意為"襪子木偶",最早齣現在1959年。有一種襪子做成的手偶,可以把手放到裏頭,利用手指做齣手偶的錶情動作。《韋氏大詞典》收錄這個字,跟手偶無關,是指網路上用假名發錶言論的虛擬身分。例如,你對網路上某個新聞不滿,但不敢堂皇以本名發錶自己想法,就用一些類似「路人甲」之類的名字,在網路上發錶意見。在網路上虛構齣來的那個身分,我們就稱為sock puppet。
例句:David was caught in a sock puppet scandal.
4.carbon footprint / 碳足跡
例句: Hong Kong has the second highest carbon footprint per capita in the world, due to the city's high consumption patterns and large volume of imports.
5.vlog / 影像網路日誌
例句:A vlog can be topical and timeless, instructional and entertaining. The main thread is trying to communicate on a personal level with your audience.
6.webisode / 網路短片
例句:Max: Did you watch Jon Stewart last night?
Alex: No dude, but I'll watch the webisode.
7.flash mob / 快閃族
例句:The world's first flash mob was organized in Manhattan, in May 2003, by a man named Bill.
8.waterboarding / 水刑
不是所有的字都有機會納入韋氏大詞典,像ruralpolitan(都市新貴放棄城市享受迴到鄉村生活),precycle(根據産品的可迴收程度來購買産品),and paycation(有價度假),這些字都還在排隊中;2010榮景再來,肯定會有一些樂觀有趣的字納入《韋氏大詞典》。
1.lipstick indicator 口紅指數
One Depression-era pattern in female spending was the 25 percent increase in cosmetics sales. When a similar spike occurred during the economic doldrums of 1990 and 2001, this type of consumer behavior didn't elude Leonard Lauder, chairman of Estee Lauder Companies.
In the fall of 2001, when the economy buckled after the Sept. 11 attacks, Estee Lauder lipstick sales jumped 11 percent. That trend in discretionary spending has become known as the lipstick indicator.
When women can't afford pricier indulgences, lipstick offers a cheaper compromise. If a woman aches for a new Chanel handbag that far exceeds her budget, opting for a $30 tube of lipstick may feel like a thrifty shopping decision. Also, women who wear lipstick probably reapply at least a few times per day. Such instant gratification can ease the urge to shop more.
2.hemline index 裙長指數
The shorter the skirt the stronger the economy, at least that's how the theory goes.
In 1926 US economist George Taylor coined the theory of the hemline index. It was a kind of frock exchange using skirt lengths as a signal of the state of the economy.
Looking back over the decades it is easy to see why the connection has been made: a glimpse of leg gives a sense of independence and confidence; a sweeping skirt is a sign of modesty and austerity.
In the Twenties, hemlines rose along with stock prices. In 1929 the Wall Street Crash brought boom time to an abrupt close and hems dropped almost overnight. By the mid-Eighties, they were shorter than ever when shares reached new heights.
As the 2000s dawned and computer systems coped with the new millennium, markets stayed up and so hemlines followed. But the first decade of the 21st century has generally been defined by uncertainty and fluctuation, from the return of the mini, to the more austere midi showing on catwalks now.
3.Hairstyle Index 發型指數
It is almost a century since the US economist George Taylor came up with the revolutionary"hemline index". Now the fashion world has finally offered up an alternative indicator of the country's economic state. The length of women's hair may no longer be seen as a result of the vagaries of fashion, but as an accurate barometer of the nation's wealth.
Japanese researchers have found that when economies are doing well, women wear their hair long; when there is a slump, they cut it short.
People enjoy fewer material pleasures in periods of recession, so want more visual pleasures, and there's more variation among short haircuts than long.
This fashion for long hair continued through the 1960s and 1970s, with Audrey Hepburn's chic up-do giving way to the long, centre-parted hippy look.
Since the early 1990s hair has been getting progressively longer, and now we're having to go short.
1.This cake is so delicious, please eat a little. 這蛋糕真好吃,你嘗點。
2.I did one or two times, but I failed. 我做過一兩次,都失敗瞭。
3.Please put down your heart. I'll give all my strength out. 請您放心,我一定有多少力,齣多少力。
4.Sorry, we have no seats now. 對不起,沒座位瞭。
5.This website can't be visited temporarily. 網站暫時關閉。
6.How to improve our English level? 怎樣纔能提高我們的英語水準?
7.Thank you for your goodwill, but I can go home on foot. 謝謝你的好意,我可自己以走迴去。
8.What is your meaning in doing this? 你這樣做是什麼意思?
9.I can't open my mail box today! 今天我信箱打不開瞭!
10.This hat is extremely expensive, I can't buy it. 這頂帽子貴得也太離譜瞭,我買不起。
1.The cake is so delicious. Please try some.
2.I tried a couple of times, but I failed.
3.Don't worry, I'll try my best.
4.No seats available.
5.Website Temporarily Unavailable.
6.How to improve our English skills?
7.Thanks for your offer, but I can walk home. offer這個詞比較微妙。中英轉換時不太好處理,正因如此,更要注意。
8.What's your point?
9.My god! I can't access my mail box today!(原句其實也沒有錯,但會讓彆人以為你不會或有某種理由讓你不能開信箱)
10.This hat is so expensive that I can't afford it. Afford意思是買得起,付得起、花得起時間、金錢、精力等。但是Afford隻能錶示能力,不錶示意願。例如我們可以說I'm willing to pay, but I really can't afford it,而不能說I'm willing to afford it。
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