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本屆裏約奧運中國大陸最閃亮的一顆星 大概就屬女子遊泳選手傅園慧瞭吧!她因為在賽後接受記者訪問時 新聞英文》爆紅的「洪荒之力」英文怎麼說? - 趣味新聞網

本屆裏約奧運中國大陸最閃亮的一顆星 大概就屬女子遊泳選手傅園慧瞭吧!她因為在賽後接受記者訪問時 新聞英文》爆紅的「洪荒之力」英文怎麼說?

發表日期 2016-08-17T14:16:36+08:00

     趣味新聞網記者特別報導 : 本屆裏約奧運中國大陸最閃亮的一顆星,大概就屬女子遊泳選手傅園慧瞭吧!她因為在賽後接受記者訪問時,用生動的錶情說:「我已經用瞭洪荒之力啦」而爆紅。她逗趣的錶情不但在網路瘋傳,連國際媒體都競相報導。不過這 .....


    Fu Yuanhui is an Olympic swimmer. She is 20 years old and from the Chinese city of Hangzhou. She competed in the 100-meter backstroke event in Rio de Janeiro. She finished third in her semi-final swim on August 7. Shortly after the semi-finals, Fu became a trending topic on Chinese social media. A short time later, she became a trending topic around the world.


    It was not her swimming, however, that made her famous. It was some of the comments she made afterward. A Chinese reporter spoke with Fu after the semi-finals. The reporter told her that she swam the race in under 59 seconds. This seemed to shock Fu.“58.95?” Fu said with excitement. “I was really fast!”


    She told the reporter that she used “mystical powers” in her swim. Her shock, joy and honesty won her many friends in China — and around the world. People began making GIFs of her excited facial expressions. Those images spread quickly.


    One American swimming coach wrote on Twitter: “Our swimmers are great, but Fu Yuanhui from China is easily my favorite.” Another American wrote, “Fu Yuanhui from China is the most adorable person on the planet.” Even the Huffington Post website called her, the “most lovable athlete at the Rio Olympics.”


    Fu’s fame only grew on August 9, when she competed in the 100-meter backstroke finals. She beat her semi-final time. She swam the race in 58.76 seconds. It was fast enough to earn her a share of the bronze medal. She tied for third place with Kylie Masse of Canada.

    8月9日結束100公尺仰式決賽後,傅園慧又火紅瞭。她又打破瞭自己半決賽的成績。她遊齣58秒76。此一成績讓她摘下一枚銅牌。她和加拿大的凱莉·麥斯(Kylie Masse)並列第三名。

    Her comments after the race won Fu even more followers in China and around the world. At first, the swimmer said she does not think she won a medal. She said she is still pleased with her time because she beat the Asian record. A reporter told her that she was just 01 seconds behind the silver medal winner.


    Fu said she couldn’t reach second place because her “arms are too short.” Fu started to say even though she “did not win a medal...” when the reporter corrected her. “But you got a medal. You are third,” the reporter said. “Huh?” she said. Fu looked around in shock. “I didnt know!” She then said, “Well, then I think thats not bad at all!”

    傅園慧錶示,她沒能拿到第二名可能是因為手臂太短瞭。傅園慧剛開始說:「雖然我沒有獲得奬牌... 」然後記者連忙打斷她。這名記者說:「可是你得奬瞭呀,妳拿到第三名。」「啊?」她大叫一聲。傅園慧震撼地四處張望,「我不知道呀!」接著她說:「喔~我覺得那還不錯!」

    Her reaction and personality have made Fu Yuanhui one of China’s — and the world’s — favorite Olympians. The New York Times newspaper wroteThursday of the swimmer, “Rather than mere happiness at her performances, Ms. Fu, 20, exhibits something closer to pure joy, bouncing around and making animated faces.”



    Olympic - adj. 奧運的

    backstroke - n. 仰泳

    shortly - adv. 不久之後

    trending- adj. 熱門的

    afterward - adv. 之後

    mystical - adj. 神秘的

    expression - n. 錶情

    adorable - adj. 可愛的

    athlete - n. 運動員

    bronze - adj. 銅的

    medal - n. 奬牌

    exhibit - v. 展現

    bounce - v. 跳躍

    animated - adj. 生動的

    聽完瞭今天的新聞英文,你學會瞭嗎?原來「洪荒之力」的英文叫做mystical power,是不是很有趣呢?歡迎幫我們按個贊喔~~



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