今天我最美 - 趣味新聞網
發表日期 2010-11-30T06:00:28+08:00
趣味新聞網記者特別報導 : [applenews=http://twvid.edgesuite.net/video/20101130/bbe2094d6a7563bb3403.flv]http://twvid.edgesuite .....
★地點:台北市東區★身高:169公分★體重:49公斤★暱稱:Suu 鬱★年齡:24歲★喜歡的食物:火鍋、鐵闆燒、日本料理★職業:待業中★興趣:逛街、當宅女★個人網頁:http://www.wretch.cc/album/zoo100200
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thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
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thank you for shairng the news. |
thank you for shairng the news. |
thank you for shairng the news. |
thank you for shairng the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
谢榭大大的分享 |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
还是要向版大说声谢谢 |
thank you for sharing the news. |
该跟版大感谢一下 |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
真厉害 ....
外表也很亮丽呢 |
真是不错的正妹,好想要....别乱想 |
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thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
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thank you for shairng the news. |
thank you for shairng the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for the sharing news. |
thank you for the sharing news. |
thank you for the sharing news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
不错不错~ |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
会破坏整个美感! |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thak you for sharing the news. |
还假装很忙 |
thak you for sharing the news. |
thak you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
第一位美女是被吓到嬷,好杀喔,真的不用的语气有够兇!!艳熙也是正咩一个喔。感谢大大分享!! |
thank you for sharing the news. |
自己秀出自己特色是最美的加油真漂亮 |
果真是素人美女一个,感谢大大分享,不知道有没有人跟我觉得她长的有点像赵咏华,咏华姐,各位大大觉得勒!! |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
穿帆布鞋加粉红色不知道会不会好一些 |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thnak you for sharing the news. |
thnak you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
不晓得他有没有无名 |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
这不是昨天的吗??怎么又重新登上新闻了?? |
正 棒棒棒 |
有种想 "八" 他的FELL |
我也有这样的感觉,既然那么勉强配合,还不如让别人当上今日我最美。 |
thank you for sharing the news. |
有燕姿的feel,蛮清秀的,还有一颗善良的心 |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for shairng the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
发色很黄~ |
长相算个女人 |
其实我觉得还可以,不算是很正! |
台 |
thank you for sharing the news. |
美女阿 拍MV造福大家说 不用脱就美阿 |
美女网路上看那么多~路上怎么都看不到= = |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
为啥台湾女人都爱贴假睫毛几乎都是一各样超夸张的 |
妈的B..我的屁眼都比他的脸好看 |
这是在赶件吧.. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
在路上乱枪打鸟~ 反正愿意被拍的就好~
美不美大家心知度明~ |
thank you for sharing the news. |
真是青春无敌啊~~~ |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
我是头香吗?他真的只有18岁吗? |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
表情太假了,但也是个正妹 |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for shring the news. |
thank you for shring the news. |
赞~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
笑容还蛮甜的 |
thank you for shring the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
真的想出名或者是年轻不想留白... |
妳自认美就美啰 |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
可以用其他方式表达吗?XDDDD |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thnak you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thnak you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
请大家多多ㄔ持来看看美女 |
繁忙的工作中来看美女的 |
没事干有空来看美女的~ |
现在的人 只要看到瘦的女生
露个事业线 露个腿 就叫美女?
这社会病了.... |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
好卡哇伊的女生 心动 心动 心动 动心 |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
thank you for sharing the news. |
今年鼕天特彆冷 1/3鼕季低於10度
今天鼕天特彆冷,民眾可要有心理準備瞭!氣象局錶示,由於今年是反聖嬰年,這個鼕天天氣冷暖交替大,而且還可能齣現,比以往更低的溫度。 齣門抬頭望、天空霧茫茫,偶而有陽光從厚重的雲層裏齣現,不過這樣帶有絲絲暖意的天氣得好好把握,因為下星期開始,大傢就能明顯感受到.......
今年創造碳經濟價值 近17億
【中央社╱颱北24日電】 2010.07.24 12:31 pm
今日愛正妹/骨感陳筱嵐尺度超大 全裸穿C字褲拍照也OK
NOWnews 更新日期:2010/07/28 09:18 記者杜沛學/颱北報導
今晚意外抗日 復賽3先發 陳鴻文有望先上
今防午後大雨 入夜後可賞月
代打沉潛 林威助拼一軍固定先發
代錶台灣? 林書豪暫不做決定
闖進NBA 颱裔第一人
代言內衣 白歆惠馬甲秀身材
伊人騎 Peugeot 107路試
伊林150麻豆蛻變趴 臉書繼續High
伊林名模火辣齊聚 比基尼、肌肉男輪番秀
伊林模特兒經紀公司未來不隻會打造超級名模,還要朝全方位藝人經紀發展,昨(30日)晚以「蛻變」為名,舉辦盛大Party,旗下超過150位藝人火辣登場,陳思璿打頭陣帶來「Hot Show」,讓全場熱起來;還有超萌美少女要搶攻「宅市場」.......
伊莎貝爾野蠻女友 潑婦罵街 挨批欠扁
伍茲離瞭 贍養費32億 6年婚姻告吹
伍迪艾倫新片客串 布魯妮一場戲NG32次
NOWnews 更新日期:2010/07/29 16:03 國際中心/綜閤報導
法國第一夫人布魯妮(Carla Bruni),客串拍攝伍迪艾倫新片《午夜巴黎》(Midnight in Paris),但是隻走過秀和齣專輯的布魯妮似乎難進入狀況,一場拿法.......
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【中央社╱颱北24日電】 2010.07.24 06:50 pm
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殘障者自組的參政團體算「帳」團參選代錶李素楨(選區在新北市永和)認為, 鬍誌強身為殘障者傢屬,應該要跳齣來指責這樣不當的言論,而不是將殘障者放迴傢裏;而餘天講這樣的話,更反映瞭主流對殘障者的偏見和歧視。
鬍餘和解,反而是掩飾歧視,不談,模糊焦點。 什麼是人民老大: 破報報.......
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作傢李偉文 1000本書排排站
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作業沒寫 小5生跪講台前「就近管理」
你具有哪種 明星特質?